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Ellie Lodholm

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Ellie was born and raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her family moved to Memphis Tennessee when she was 12. Ellie’s parents both attended Teen Missions Bible school, which is how she heard about their summer mission trips. In 2019, she went on the Thailand team with a close friend.  They had a great experience, and Ellie has gone on two more teams with Teen Missions. 

Since her first team in 2019, Ellie has felt a call to full-time missions. Although she was ready to jump into ministry right out of high school, the Lord led her to a time of equipping and training at Northwest University.

Ellie is graduating from Northwest University (NU) with a degree in International Education in May of 2024. During her time at NU, she has served as a Resident Assistant and as one of the Missions Coordinators. She has served as a leader on one of NU's mission trips and is leading another trip with NU this summer (2024). 

Each of these leadership opportunities has both challenged and encouraged her. Overall, her faith has grown tremendously during this time. 

God has brought together Ellie's call to missions and her personal life in His perfect timing. Ellie recently got engaged to Timothy Petersen and is joining him on staff at Teen Missions this fall. At Teen Missions, Ellie hopes to use her training as a teacher in their Bible School and/or to teach English overseas. Most of all, she is excited to see all the unexpected ways God will use her in this new season of ministry!