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Will Shirey

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Growing up in the beautiful state of Virginia, Will has always had a deep-rooted love for nature, and finding inspiration in God's creation.  Beyond his appreciation for the outdoors, Will has a deep love for the Lord, established at a young age that serves as the cornerstone for his life and values.  

Recently he has embarked on a new chapter of life by beginning to raise support to join staff at TMI alongside his soon-to-be wife, Delaynie.  Before Will and Delaynie met, he had no experience with the organization, but has since gotten to know it more and is excited to be a part of it.  Currently working as a carpenter in Virginia, Will is excited to be able to work alongside others on the land crew.

In his free time, you can find Will hanging out with friends and family, keeping active in the gym or outside, and woodworking.