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As we explore the sights in Livingstone, Africa is forever etched in the hearts of each of us.

As we explore the sights in Livingstone, Africa is forever etched in the hearts of each of us.

We had a three days packed with adventure: Victoria Falls (one of the seven wonders of the world!), a safari, sunset Zambezi river cruise, sight seeing, and souvenir shopping filled up the days.

The splendor of Victoria Falls displays the majesty and magnificence of our Lord. Only He is worthy of creating such a marvelous thing. We walked along the edge of the Zambezi gorge as the water thundered on the rocks below and sent clouds of mist hundreds of feet into the air. The power of so much water cascading into the gorge below was awe inspiring (and very wet!)

On safari, we encountered animals such as giraffes, elephants, rhinos, monkeys, Impala, crocodiles, etc. in their natural habitat. We had several elephants walk in front of us as we sat still as statues taking it all in. It forced us to stop and gaze upon them with great respect for the creative power of God.

As we traveled along the waters of the Zambezi River, the beauty of the African sky illuminated by the setting sun took our breath away. We saw a group of elephants at the water edge of the Zambezi River drinking, bathing, and frolicking. Hippos made their appearances bobbing their heads up and down to take in air as we floated by. A long Crocodile rested on the warm sandy shoreline. Beautiful African birds displayed an array of color as they flew in out of tiny homes carved out at the river's edge. We stood and admired the beauty of it all - forever etched out in our minds! We were fortunate to see so many spectacular creatures!

The team had the opportunity to visit several open markets and hone their bartering skills as they shipped for handcrafted carvings, baskets, paintings, jewelery, etc.

As we ready ourselves to leave Africa, we are thankful to have been able to experience it's beauty and it's wonderful people.

The entire team arrived safely on Saturday.

The entire team arrived safely on Saturday. Most came in the morning and the early afternoon, but...

Hello from Boot Camp!

The team is doing really well and adjusting nicely. The weather is still warm and quite humid but...

The Zambia team has really been blessed this Boot Camp.

The Zambia team has really been blessed this Boot Camp. There was a big storm one night that woke...

We are surviving Boot Camp!

God is moving mightily in the lives of the our team. The rallies have been fantastic and God is...

Much deserved but short night’s sleep in a noisy airport in Chicago.

As I write this, the team is settling in to a much deserved but short night’s sleep in a noisy...

The Zambia team has arrived safely into Lusaka.

The Zambia team has arrived safely into Lusaka. One B Bag is missing. The Airline said it would...

The Zambia team has finally arrived in Zambia!

The Zambia team has finally arrived in Zambia! After a few extra days at Boot Camp, a night...

Zambia Team Photos

Zambia Team Photos

The Zambia team has relocated to the Teen Missions Lufwanyama Wangibisha base.

On Saturday, we took a tour of the TMI Base in Ndola. It was inspiring to see how innovatively...

We've been here a week so far and are loving it!

This last couple of days we've been in Lufwanyama about a hour from the closest paved road and...

Greetings from Ndola!

We were blessed in our final days at the Teen Missions base in Lufwanyama with nice weather and...

God is good!

God is good! He has been so good to us in all that we have done. The last few days in Ndola have...

Past week we have been working at the Teen Missions Base in Ndola.

On Friday morning, we completed digging a ditch for the plumbing from new bathrooms to the septic...