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Greetings once again from Nuremberg Germany!

We are all doing well and everyone is enjoying the ministry opportunities we've had this week. On Monday some of the team was able to do a prayer walk around the city of Nuremberg. We prayed for the city and that many would come to know Christ. The project of painting and plastering the walls here is continuing and will be finished soon. The team has been working hard with great attitudes and willing hearts to do whatever is needed. They were able to go to a local park and pick up trash as a community outreach. Yesterday we were able to join the YWAM staff in hosting a cafe for people to come and get free bread and coffee. They have staff available to anyone that needs help with practical things like applying for a visa, creating a resume for work. Many of the participants are foreigners from other countries. The team was able to share some songs as well as testimonies. Jackson E. shared a testimony of how the Lord is working in his life and Jack W. did the same. We sang "How Great is our God '' in German. It was so fun to worship together in German. The team was able to share the gospel and talk with the many people who came in. Patchi (the YWAM missionary) was so encouraged to see our team step in and do what needed to be done to help set up for the cafe as well as being proactive to talk with each individual as they came in. Today the team will have the opportunity to go and help with a feeding program at a local park. Each day Emily has two of the teens in the kitchen helping her prepare food for the team. They get to walk with her to the grocery store every morning and get supplies and food for the day. We had a prayer time this morning spent praying for the YWAM staff and students. Clara, Sam, and Juliana were able to share with the staff what God has been showing them since being in Germany. On Thursday we will have the opportunity to participate in and help with a local youth group that meets here at the Ywam base.

This week has been warm and sunny. It is beautiful weather and we are all enjoying it! We have other ministry opportunities coming up the rest of this week and on Saturday we travel 6 hours north by bus for the Ukrainian youth camp we will participate in. Pray for our team as we finish out our last few days here in Nuremberg and move on to our next project.

Germany is beautiful!!!! The architecture and people are so lovely. I have enjoyed making new friends here, as well as working on our project. I look forward to see what God will do with the rest of our time here. Love you family!
- Matthias B.

It's good. We have been painting. Can't wait to meet you Eli.
- Peyton B.

The jetlag on the first day was pretty bad and it spilled into Wednesday. The rooms are nice and Germany is beautiful. We've painted a ton but we actually got showers.
- Juliana C.

Germany (24003)

Germany is traveling
By: Germany Team Leaders (11)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (10)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (9)