Disciple the Next Generation.

Teen Missions staff missionaries are serving full-time in Florida and at our national bases around the world. Your Skills are valuable and needed. Bring willing hands and a servant's heart. Here's a sample list of ways Teen Missions could use your help...Graphics | Teaching | Finance |
Human Resources | Web Design | Accounting |
Marketing | Communications | Program Dev. |
Promotions | Fund Raising | Driving |
Office Admin | Copy Editing | Landscaping |
Videography | Hospitality | Agriculture |
Photography | Food Service | Maintenance |
IT / Network | Basic Medical | Mechanics |
Participants visit each of our departments, tour our headquarters, and learn about our long-term overseas ministries and opportunities. A meeting with Teen Missions President is held at the end of the seminar in order to explore possible ways of matching your talents and abilities with current needs within the ministry of Teen Missions. First Step is intended to provide a way to determine whether or not Teen Missions is where God might be calling you!
Team Leaders Seminar is required for all summer trip leaders. First Step is required for all potential full-time staff. Attending First Step does not obligate you to serve with Teen Missions. First Step participants can, at their option, also attend the Mission Trip Leaders Seminar.
Training Cost (singles)
-First Step Only $49 (plus $30 reg fee)
-Leader Training Seminar only $69 (plus $30 reg fee)
-First Step + LTS $118 (plus $30 reg fee)
Training Cost (couples)
-First Step only $98 (plus $30 reg fee)
-Leader Training Seminar only $138 (plus $30 reg fee)
-First Step & LTS $236 (plus $30 reg fee)
Training Seminars
Leader Training-Merritt Island FL.....October 31 — November 3, 2024
-Merritt Island, FL.....February 27 - March 2, 2025
First Step (for potential full time staff)
-Merritt Island FL.....November 3 — 8, 2024
-Merritt Island, FL.....March 2-7, 2025