Pocket-Sized Memory Verse Cards
Memorizing Scripture is an effective and important aspect of every Teen Missions trip. Summer missionaries learn new Bible memory verses each day for 40 days and review what they’ve learned during team quizzing each weekend and at Debrief.Participants on Teen Missions trips can get a head start learning their Bible memory verses before they arrive. Others, going on their own missions trip with their family, youth group or church may also like to download and print these powerful verses as a part of their short term outreach as well! Enjoy!
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalms 119:11 (KJV)
Download and Print one of the following sets of memory verse cards in the PDF format:
Teen Memory Verse Cards (40 verses)
Teen Memory Verse Cards (40 verses)
Preteen Memory Verse Cards (19 verses)
Kids Memory Verse Cards (Peanut) (3 sets of 8 each — one set used per year)