Recognizing a Need

In many countries, especially in rural areas, secondary schools are beyond walking distance for students wishing to continue their studies after primary (elementary) school. Students, girls in particular, desperate to continue their education, would seek housing near the school. Lacking money for even basic supplies like soap and toothpaste, evil men would offer financial aid in exchange for sexual favors.

Providing a Solution
As Teen Missions interns and national staff pushed further into these remote rural areas with the Rescue Unit (Relief) and Circuit Rider (Evangelism) ministries, our staff were confronted with this tragic reality. Through the Lord's leading, the Matron Unit ministry began.
Female students are housed safely in dormitories designed for 22 girls each. Two matrons (graduates of TMI Bible Schools) provide structure, discipline, and a Christ-centered environment for the women under their care.
Currently, seven Matron Units are operating in Uganda, Malawi and Zambia making a difference in the lives of close to 400 students. Nearly all of the students now complete their studies without being subjected to abuse and exploitation.