Through the years...
I will remember the works of the LORD. Yes, I will remember the amazing things you did long ago!
—Psalm 77:11 NET

- There were many young people who wanted to serve the Lord in missions, but lacked training, experience and the required skills.
- A young girl once said that everyone had explained to her, “Come back when you have finished college and then you can get involved in the Lord’s work.” She stated, “I want to do something for the Lord now, not five years from now.”
- In many mission conferences, there were no teenagers present at all. They evidently felt that missions were for older people. Mr. Bland felt there was an obvious need to get teenagers involved since they are the next generation of missionaries and leaders.
The innovative idea of involving teenagers in missions continued to develop and the first Teen Missions team embarked on a trip to Mexico in 1971. What happened next, well, that's the story of a God whose work is BIGGER & GREATER than anyone could hope or dream...

The 1970s

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1971 1972 1973-74 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979-84
The 1980s

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The 1990s

The 2000s
The 2010s
The 2010s marked the growth of an evangelistic thrust into many remote, unreached villages using the old 'circuit rider' model 1st made famous by early Bible preachers like Charles Wesley. Trading horses for motorcycles, bikes, and boats, Teen Missions interns and staff now push two-by-two into new circuits holding weekly Bible Studies for adults & Sunday Schools for children. Today, there are nearly 300 Sunday Schools in pioneer areas reaching 14,000 people with the gospel each week.