Did you know that millions are still waiting to hear the Good News, and are ready, even now, to receive Christ if only someone will GO, open God's Word, and TELL THEM?
Thousands have already believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through the ministry of Teen Missions' Circuit Riders. After completing three years of discipleship training in our overseas Bible Missionary & Work Training Centers. These young Circuit Riders, with a burden for the lost, press into cities, villages and remote rural areas on motorbikes, bicycles, on foot or even by boat.
Thousands have already believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior through the ministry of Teen Missions' Circuit Riders. After completing three years of discipleship training in our overseas Bible Missionary & Work Training Centers. These young Circuit Riders, with a burden for the lost, press into cities, villages and remote rural areas on motorbikes, bicycles, on foot or even by boat.
Teen Missions has 135 Circuit Riders running 526 Sunday Schools reaching 14,000 every week.
They are working in 13 countries. They know the local language. They know the culture. They bring age-appropriate activities, games, phonics (English) lessons, and weekly Bible lessons (we call them Sunday Schools). God is using the circuit riders to see hundreds of precious sons and daughters reconciled with their heavenly Father all year long.