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Rescue Units

Mercy Ministry.    Orphan Development.     Contextual Relief.

Rescue Units — Contextual support for orphans and 'at-risk' children.

The traditional 'orphanage' approach can be expensive and often removes children from extended family and the familiar surroundings of home.

Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.    — Psalm 82:4 ESV
There are an estimated 140 million orphans worldwide, defined as having lost one or both parents (UNICEF). Often viewed by extended family as a burden, these vulnerable children might live as 'second class citizens' receiving 'leftovers' at mealtime by overburdened families that are already struggling to feed their own children. Some are abused or fail to enter school for the lack of a uniform (required in many African countries). Viewed as outcasts, some have even committed suicide.
Teen Missions has 60 facilitators operating 33 Rescue Units in 5 Countries that bring relief to over  30,000 orphans and 'at-risk' children.
The sheer scale of the need, 52 million orphans in Africa alone, requires an innovative, fresh approach.

Implementing the Rescue Unit model...

An idea originally born in Africa by a Zambian national. First, a survey is conducted in a local area where orphans and other 'at-risk' children are identified. Next, the village chief (local leader or official) offers an official welcome for the unit and provides a section of land for development. Then, two Rescue Unit Facilitators are placed by Teen Missions, usually graduates of our BMW Bible school program. These facilitators then live among the people and the Rescue Unit becomes a safe place where the registered children can come for many different types of care that varies based on need and location.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.    — James 1:27 ESV

Following are some of the types of help that may be given at a Rescue Unit:

Sunday Schools Bible Lessons & Activities (See Circuit Rider Ministries)
First Aid
Supplies are kept on hand to provide care.
School Uniforms Enabling children to attend school
Dispensary Antibiotics, anti-malarials, cold & flu meds etc.
Advocacy Evidence of abuse is identified and addressed with the child's caregiver
Relief General relief aid is distributed
Nutrition Seminars Young mothers are taught how to supplement baby formula

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