Boot Camp is a time of training to prepare the teams for their mission fields. Our Boot Camp program is designed to build team unity and provide practical, physical and spiritual training. We tailor each Boot Camp experience according to the skills needed for each team. This primitive training will be at the Teen Missions base in Merritt Island, Florida. A Commissioning Service will be held at the end of Boot Camp for all team members and leaders before flying out to their mission field.

Each team will serve through a variety of projects. As an organization, Teen Missions tries very hard for our teams to have a diverse ministry experience. We do this through one-on-one evangelism, open-air meetings, children’s ministry, service projects, dramas, puppets, music, and construction projects. Projects for teams are subject to change depending on the needs of the host missionary. We want our teams to have servant hearts and jump at the opportunities that come their way!
We work hard to include exciting sightseeing and shopping opportunities for each team we send overseas. We know how cool it is to be in a different country and experience the beauty and diversity of their landscapes and cultures! More specific sightseeing details are in the individual team pages above.

To cap off the summer experience, teams will return to the Teen Missions base in Florida for a shared Debrief time with other teams. The debriefing experience is essential to our program for team members and leaders. During Debrief, the teams engage in different classes, allowing them to reflect on their summer. In addition, we focus on fellowship, sharing their experiences with the other teams, and become equipped to take what they have learned on the mission field back home to their churches, youth groups, schools and communities.
Included in your team cost:
Boot Camp Training Expenses (10 Days)
Team and Travel Shirts
Airfare to and from Project Country*
Travel Insurance
Overseas Lodging
Included in your team cost:
Work project - building materials
Overseas Sightseeing
Evangelism resources
Debrief Expenses (4 days)
Administration Costs (paperwork, etc.)