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Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.

The Ukrainian camp is moving along fast and very soon we will be heading to Florida for Debrief.

The Camp(Real Life) has been so much fun.
All the team members have found it to be challenging in different ways but each of them are working hard to be a good example and set a good attitude for the camp.
There are more than 70 Ukrainian youth in the camp.

On Monday our team schedule followed the Real Life camp schedule. We were in their class, games, rally and so on. In the afternoon we walked down the road and went to a lake to swim, play volleyball and enjoy some camp games. The whole camp had a great time and it was nice to get outside of the property for a bit and see what is around us.

On Tuesday we followed the same schedule or activities but before lunch we all grabbed lunch in bags that the kitchen had prepared and we started a walk to a Dam not too far away. Actually it was a little over 6 miles away! Most of the team walked but there were a few cars that were picking up people along the way and bring them to the Dam. On the way back from the Dam we took a short Ferry ride on the lake. That was a lot of fun and the scenery was so beautiful.

The team has been doing really well. Because we are mixed with the Ukrainian teams it has been hard to get time for our team to spend time together. This has been hard but we do our best to maximize the time that we do get together. The camp will be over tomorrow and all the Ukrainian youth will be going back to their homes.

One things that many people on our team have enjoyed has been handing out the 4 bracelets and gospel tracts that we have in Russian and Ukrainian languages. It has been neat to see the team so excited about that.

Tomorrow when the camp is over we will get on a bus and go to the next place we will be staying. We will be staying in a town near Frankfurt. We will spend some time sightseeing and catching up on classes and preparing the team for the transition back for Debrief.

Thank you for your prayers for us throughout the time here at the Fire of Friendship camp and for the whole time that we have been a team!

Clara - "Its crazy to think that I'm actually here, plus the city is supper cool and the people here are nice and it feels sooooo nice to have clean clothes and be in a cooler climate. The letters I've gotten from everyone make me fell awesome and thanks to everyone who sent one! I miss you guys so much and love you all!"

Caleb - "Germany is great although time is passing by so fast I am learning so much about God and myself. I am very excited to go home and share everything."

Arianna - "Hi Friends and Family, We have been helping at a Ukrainian camp. The kids are fun to hang out with. I miss you all. Love."

Hannah - "Hey guys, Germany is super fun and the food is phenomenal! Shout out to Mom, Dad, David, Lois, Moses, Scrooge, Latte, Frapp, Shitaki, Dave, Obi Juan, Hefty, and Foghorn!"

Thomas - "Hey Fam I am super glad that I came to T.M.I. Germany is great and there are so many ministry opportunities everywhere, Nuremberg was great and this camp is beautiful can’t wait to see y’all."

Ariana - "Zdarova friends currently I am at the Ukrainian real life camp after leaving the ywam base in Nürnberg, the teens here are so kind despite the language barrier I have made many friends and I’m even learning a bit of Ukrainian along the way see you soon."

Jackson E - "Dearest Mother and Father
This place is nothing like I expected, I forgot how much I loved and missed Germany. I thought boot camp was fun, but the field is amazing!!!"

Jack - "I wanna buy a crotch rocket and fly down the roads because it’s beautiful. And you should totally bring mama here, she would love it."

Lily - "I love Germany! I especially loved hanging out in Nuremberg with the staff at YWAM. I hope you all are doing well! Can’t wait to see you!"

Alayna - "Germany has been an amazing experience and I’ve learned a lot. Take care of Odin and Sandy. I’ll be home soon I’m not ready to leave."

Abigail - What is goody gang? I love you all so much, you better be taking care of my cat. ;)

Micah - "it’s been a great time here we’ve been having fun and praising God, however I am very ready to go home."

Germany (24003)

Germany is traveling
By: Germany Team Leaders (11)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (9)
Greetings once again from Nuremberg Germany!
By: Germany Team Leaders (8)