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Hello friends and family of the Philippines team!

The team is doing great! The team has been going through Boot Camp, getting to know each other and having a grand old time. They are fast to chat with each other and laugh. The team also has been doing well at facing the oncoming challenges.

They have been working hard in their construction and evangelism classes. They are doing a great job at putting their heart into each class. Our team is on the younger end, and they have a lot of energy. It has been great for them to use up that extra energy in music class and construction classes.

They've also been doing well at on the obstacle course! Almost everyone made it across the Slough today. Yay!

We are starting to look ahead to our upcoming travels. We know as leaders that those packout days are going to be here before we know it.

Thank you for praying for us as we serve Him!


Boot Camp is going by so fast! Today we had blocking laying, music, and puppet class. In blocklaying, Rainan and I built a whole wall section. Music and puppet class went well too. To my family: I love you! - Kendall

Hello my name is Levi, it is the eighth day of Boot Camp. Boot Camp has been so fun. I have had a fun time running the Obstacle Course. My team is awesome. Boot Camp has really helped me with learning how to work with a team better and knowing how to relate with others better during Boot Camp. It feels like all the teams are one big family. My favorite class during Boot Camp has been advanced Evangelism. It has been nice to gain a better knowledge of sharing the Gospel with others. One of the highs of Boot Camp has been relating with my team. A low is always being drenched in sweat. All of Boot Camp has been a blast. Hi mom and dad. - Levi B.

Philippines (24011)

Our time in the Philippines is coming to an end!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (11)
Philippines Report
By: Philippines Team Leaders (10)
What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (9)