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Our time in the Philippines is coming to an end!

Hello friends and family of the Philippines team!

Wow! Our summer has flown by! I can’t believe we have just over a day left in here!

On Monday the team was blessed to finish up their work projects on the base. The team was so blessed to serve through pouring concrete, painting some buildings, and building stairs.

On Tuesday the team was blessed to do an entire day of evangelism. In the morning they spread out doing door to door evangelism. Each team member got to share the Gospel!

In the afternoon on Tuesday the team was able to do some sports ministry. They invited people to come and watch them play against the local high school team. The team did a Gospel presentation to the whole audience. Our team of Bible students from the base and leaders and team members from the team beat the local team. They were so excited!

Wednesday was our pack out day before travel to Manila on Thursday morning. The team cleaned up all their areas, packed their duffles and prepared for travel. That evening the staff held a goodbye party for the team. They cooked National food of adobo chicken, pork, lumpia and rice cake.

The staff shared a few words about how thankful they were for the team. A highlight was having a bonfire, and each team member and leader pairing up with a staff or student and praying over each other. The night ended with half the team playing worship and singing with students, while the other half played one last basketball game. It was a blessed night that left all of us with good closure, but also sad to say goodbye to our new friends.

Thursday morning the team woke up early and flew to Manila. All the travel went smoothly, we prayed and the large typhoon moved towards Taiwan, making our flight able to go.

The team is enjoying staying in a nice hotel called Hotel Kimberly. The team has spent the day shopping, doing Bible study, and lots of eating. Thursday evening the team was able to go bowling. They had an absolute blast. Mr. Joel even gave some lessons to try and help the less fortunate in bowling skills.

Tomorrow the team will get to do some open air market shopping, as well as enjoy an amusement park.

We have longish layover in LAX on Sunday. That is likely when your kids will call home, please leave your phone off silent in case they call! Also, it may be unknown number to you.

Thank you so much for your prayers! As we fly home!

The Philippines Team

Philippines (24011)

Philippines Report
By: Philippines Team Leaders (10)
What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (9)
Philippines shares with kids!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (8)