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Philippines shares with kids!

Hello friends and family!

We are just past the halfway point of our time here in the Philippines. Our days have been packed with a lot of fun activities, sweet fellowship, and hard work. It is such a blessing to be across the world serving the Lord alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ here in the Philippines.

This week our team has made many great memories. At the beginning of this week our team got to go on a beautiful drive up to the mountains where we shared our presentation to the cutest little kids. The place where our vans dropped us off was very muddy, walk to the place where all the kids were waiting for our team. The kids especially loved our teams puppet performance as well as the gospel message bracelets we passed out.

The construction project has been going great. They have gotten so much done on the the driveway. They’ve been working hard and getting the job done.

Our team has had the wonderful and rare opportunity to hang out with the teams that are attending their own debrief here at the TMI Philippines Base. It is always a great time full of laughter and singing. The team loved worshiping with the Filipino teens. They also got to watch the graduation for the Bible school. It was awesome for our kids to make friends interact with the teams. They were sad when it came time to say goodbye their new friends.

On Saturday the team enjoyed a fun day. We found a local place that had a 1.3 Kilometer zip line. The team was so excited. The funnest part was the slightly nerve racking jeep ride through the mountains to the top tower. The kids had a blast and got a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains.

The team also got to go to the local mall and buy food, snacks, and coffee. Ms. Emma was particularly happy as she sat and listened to memory verses while sipping her Starbucks (it’s the little things folks).

The Philippines have been absolutely amazing. We got to do evangelism up in the mountains and it was so amazing to share the Gospel with them.  - Kendall 

I really liked the zip line, it was really fun.  - Ruby

 I really like the Philippines. I like all the people. The work that we’re doing so much fun, I love it because we get stronger and team bonding every day. - Cara

Thank you for praying for us as we continue to serve here in the Philippines.

Philippines (24011)

Our time in the Philippines is coming to an end!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (11)
Philippines Report
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