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Hola amigos y familiares!

Things here in Guatemala are going smoothly!The team is working hard and making great progress! They have changed the focus of the project as they started down the hill. Because we were constructing a circle at the top, the team was able to split up and lay stone going in both directions, but now that we are working on an incline on a narrow road, for safety reasons, we’re having to do it a little differently.

We have also learned that we can only level the ground with dirt so far ahead, because it frequently rains and washes out their progress. Soooo now we’re having trucks come part of the way up the hill and dump gravel (by the ton) and the team is leveling it and laying the stone on top. Since the rain is not washing the gravel down the hill, their new focus is getting limestone in place all the way down (with a foot path to the side) and then cement the cracks as soon as we are able to get a cement mixer to the base.

On the afternoons that we get a little more rain and are unable to work for 30-45 minutes, we practice our presentations so that we’re ready to evangelize when the opportunity comes. Everyone on the team enjoys sharing what God is teaching them and singing both in English and Spanish.

Personal testimonies:

“My favorite part of the work project is the rest of my team, especially the rock duo that I’m part of :) I’ve made friends with everyone here, and I think that’s one of the most fun parts of TMI: getting to make lifelong friends (and doing a reunion at Enzo’s castle)” -Abigail S.

“On the 9th of July, it was storming badly. The water cystern tank filed up and the gutters started to overflow with water. Me, Josua A. and Timothy H. got brooms to sweep the water that was starting to flood the rooms. Thankfully, we stopped the water. And it made me realize that anything can happen at any time.” -Nicholas M.

“I learned a lot and made a lot of experiences. It is difficult the work being busy and I am at the end of my strength, but Jesus strength is that what is carrying me.
I love and miss my Parents, brother and Friends really much.” - Josua A.

“I am missing my family a lot. I get tired from the work projects, but ask God for help and He helps me. The team is amazing and I have made a lot of great friends. We have done a lot of great work and will continue to do so. I thank God for my friends and for the team.” - Timothy H.

Guatemala (24004)

Hola for the last time from Guatemala!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (9)
Guatemala finishing strong
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (8)
Guatemala sends their greetings!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (6)