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Guatemala finishing strong

We can’t believe it’s almost time to come home.The summer has flown by and we have had a wonderful trip serving the Lord in Joyabaj! The team has been encouraged to take time in prayer and really dwell on why they’re here and want to make the biggest impact possible with the time we have left. They will be finishing these last few work days strong :D

We had a little extra time on Sunday that allowed us to go to the Mayan Ruins. It was incredible. We were the only people at the sight and packed a lunch to eat after our stomachs settled from the winding roads up and down the mountains.

After a quick stop for ice cream, we returned to the base for a memory verse quiz and got dressed for church. Half the team listened to the sermon and the other half served in the children’s Sunday School. The children learned some songs in English, enjoyed puppets and coloring books that share the gospel.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we prepare to travel. Along with travel prayers, pray that motion sickness be at a minimum as we make our way through the mountains! Thank you!

“I’ve had great opportunities to evangelize to the kids of Guatemala. It definitely makes me realize how grateful I should be towards the Lord. The kids have so little yet their spirits are so high, and they are so happy, and grateful for everything they have, and can have! Guatemala has been hard, yet amazing at the same time, and I am thankful for my team and leaders!” -Rihanna C.

“When we first arrived in Guatemala it was SO beautiful and amazing. We drove for a few hours in the van, that was fun. Me, Navie M., Piper E. and Andrew H. were all having fun and talking for at least half the trip. When we arrived at the base there was a family that cooked us a very good meal before bed. But my favorite things about this trip is my team, KP, and the end of the day when we get to do Bible study, GG’s, and evening devotions. And to my mom I want to say that I love you and I want you to say hi to your new class for me and for you to stay safe and get better.????” -Alexia C.

“Guatemala is such a beautiful place. God is a big God and He sees everything we do. This trip has been a good experience for me and I grow in the Word of God everyday. To my leaders : I thank y’all for being so flexible and making yourselves ready for anything. To the team : y’all do amazing and God will use all of your testimonies for the good. To my Dad : I love you so much and thank you for the great job you do in taking care of me and Emory!!! You are the best dad I could ever ask for and I’m excited to see God’s plan for our lives together!!! With love!” - Navie. M

“Guatemala is a very beautiful and peaceful place and I have enjoyed my time here very much. I am grateful for all the team members who have been working very hard to finish the road. I have also enjoyed the morning devotions, the Sermon On The Mount Bible study, and the boy’s Bible study. Yesterday at church, we also got to do evangelism with kids, which consisted of songs, puppets, coloring books, and soccer. I had a ton of fun interacting with the children and attempting to use my limited Spanish. Overall, this trip has been a wonderful experience as I have seen God work in and through my teammates. Love you all and Happy Birthday Mom!” -Andrew H.

“The Mayan Ruins is definitely something that I will never forget! I’ve had the amazing opportunity to travel all over the world. Our missionary did an amazing job telling us about the ruins and the Mayan peoples culture. We were on top of the mountains, which gave us an amazing view over the river that was nearby. After we were done looking at the ruins, we had an opportunity to go have a picnic as a team. It was an amazing experience and gave our team lots of bonding time. The view from where we were eating was indescribable. Overall, the Mayan ruins have been definitely my favorite part of the trip.” -Abby F.

Guatemala (24004)

Hola for the last time from Guatemala!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (9)
Hola amigos y familiares!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (7)
Guatemala sends their greetings!
By: Guatemala Team Leaders (6)