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¡Hola! From Honduras

We have been having a wonderful time in Honduras this past week. The weather has been pretty warm these past few days with mostly clear skies. We have been praying for some more rain to fill up our water tanks as we have been running low recently. On Saturday our tanks were all empty and we all came together and prayed for rain to fill them and within the hour it began to rain. The Lord provides!

On Friday we had the opportunity to evangelize to and play with the kids at an elementary school. It was a public school and our missionary told us that it was a miracle they let us share the gospel there because they rarely let people in to talk about God. On Sunday we presented at a church and our team had a blast clapping along to all of the Spanish worship songs. After church, one of the members invited our team to come over to his mango farm and pick some fresh mango. We also celebrated Emory’s birthday here with the Honduran staff on Sunday. We’ve been working on getting the foundation on a new kitchen building ready for concrete these past few days as well as clearing our brush around the chicken coop and dragonfruit farm. This morning we got the chance to go to a kindergarten and present and play with them. They gave us baleadas at the kindergarten before we left and they were so tasty!

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
By: Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (11)