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Honduras team has arrived at Debrief

This report was written yesterday. The Honduras team has now arrived at Debrief.

This past week has been very busy but we’ve been having a blast here in Honduras serving the Lord and sight seeing. It has been raining most afternoons and our water tanks have been overflowing!

On Monday we kept working on our concrete project. We had groups shoveling sand and gravel, toting water, mixing the concrete, and pouring the concrete into the foundation. Monday night Mrs. DeEtta fried us some plantains Honduran style which the team thoroughly enjoyed.

On Tuesday, we went to Laberinto De Cipreses for sight seeing and enjoyed exploring the giant maze made of Cyprus trees. We ate a wonderful national meal for lunch there. After a full day of swimming, boating, and playing volleyball we returned home and picked up Little Caesar’s pizza on the bus drive home.

Yesterday was our final work day. The team worked hard mixing and pouring concrete for the kitchen foundation that we have been working on.

Today was our souvenir shopping day. We drive 2 hours into San Pedro Sula to explore the markets there. The boys were very eager to purchase knives and machetes for themselves and their families. We got to eat at a food court in the mall nearby before heading back to base.

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (11)
Good morning from sunny Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (9)