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One final hello from team Zambia!!

Today is our final full day in the beautiful country of Zambia.
What a blessing it has been!

Today the kids were able to attend one of TMI’s Sunday School Circuits outside of Ndola and do some EV with the folks there. They had a great time!

The rest of the day has been spent packing and cleaning for our departure tomorrow morning. There’s definitely lots of mixed emotions.

Last night, here at the Ndola base we had the absolute pleasure of sharing a Zambian meal with the staff, students, and interns. We enjoyed their staple Nshima (ground corn maize), rice, beans, chicken, beef, greens, slaws, and more. What a feast! Most importantly we all got to talk to the different folks serving here at TMI in Ndola and it was SO MUCH FUN! Lots of friendships and lasting memories were made. God is good!

As I said, we will begin traveling tomorrow morning (Saturday morning at 8:30 AM our time here). We will travel from Ndola, to Nairobi, Kenya where we will have an 8-9 hour layover. After that we will have our long haul flight into JKF. After a short layover we will be in Orlando by 2:30 PM on Sunday the 28th. Our plan as leaders is to have the kids call their parents while on our layover at JFK. But if that doesn’t work out, they’ll call once we’re in Florida.

The team is excited for Debrief and all that will entail, and of course they’re excited to return home to you all! It’s been a wonderful summer and we praise the Lord for it all!

We appreciate your prayers as we travel! That we would have safety, no delays, no lost luggage, and for good health for the team!

Much love and many blessings,

Team Zambia.

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
Hello from team Zambia!
By: Zambia Team Leaders (11)