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The Germany team has been working hard finishing up their training classes...

 The Germany team has been working hard finishing up their training classes for puppets, drama, music, and EV. They are excelling and feeling prepared for our ministry opportunities in Nuremberg. It has been wonderful to see the unity of the team increase as they work together serving SBs, creating cheers for evening rallies and learning their memory verses. The weather has continued to be hot and humid, but we are trying to stay hydrated and make the most of it. 

 A high from the past couple days is that our team has won the clean award for the third time! We were given a spot in the air conditioned dining room and popsicles, which was a refreshing encouragement for the team. 

 Due to lack of visas for some team members on the India team we were blessed to receive two new members on Germany! We are welcoming Ariana F. and Ariana W. to join us and we are looking forward to seeing how God uses them even in these unexpected circumstances. 

 We are quickly approaching commissioning on the 29th and we are ready! As packing ensues and classes wrap up, Germany is going strong and shaping up to be an amazing, dependable and united team that is eagerly anticipating all that God is going to do as we move onto the field!


 “Boot Camp has been quite hot, but the fans are a lifesaver. Our team is amazing and genuinely Christ centered." - Julianna C.

 "It is fun, hot, and sweaty. Very entertaining. Solid 7.5/10." - Jack W.

 "Hey! I am having so much fun. Looking forward to serving the Lord in Germany!" - Lily K.

 “Boot Camp is amazing! It's hot and itchy, but I've grown so much in these past few days. Miss you guys!" - Elizabeth S.

 “Boot Camp has been going good. I love the team. I made it over the slough! Miss y'all! Mom, Barrett, Garrison, take care of Odin for me!" - Alayna N.

 “Boot Camp is very hot, a lot of mosquitoes here. Other than that it is so much fun!"- Jackson E.

 "I hurt, but I love it here. We are bonding so much." - Peyton B. 

 “Boot Camp is great! I am having so much fun. However, I am looking forward to commissioning, the airport, and the field. Miss you family!" - Matthias B.

Germany (24003)

Germany is traveling
By: Germany Team Leaders (11)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (10)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (9)