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Wow! It is hard to believe we have been together almost a week now.

The team has been loving Boot Camp so far and has been doing very well.
This past week, the teens have started taking both construction and evangelism classes. They have learned the skills of carpentry, digging, and mixing concrete. As well, the team members were taught dramas and tangible methods to share their faith both locally and globally. It has been such an encouragement to see the joy they bring to each day and the ways they encourage each other in moments of weakness.
The team, although only a week in, has shown to have a strong work ethic and teachable attitude. We are confident that they will do well constructing the road in the Philippines and completing any other tasks that may arise.
In the mornings, the team has been exhibiting much unity on the Obstacle Course (OC). Most of the teens have made it up the Wall and over the Slough, which has strengthened their overall confidence in themselves and their team.
Spiritually, the teens are very hungry, and it has been a blessing to see how God is working on their hearts, convicting them on areas of sin, and pouring out His love so richly on them.
Thank you for all of your continued support and prayers. We look forward to how God is going to work in and through our team this summer.

Philippines (24011)

Our time in the Philippines is coming to an end!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (11)
Philippines Report
By: Philippines Team Leaders (10)
What an exhilarating whirlwind this week has been!
By: Philippines Team Leaders (9)