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Zambia report #2

Hello from Zambia!

We have made it to a Rescue Unit of Teen Missions in Lufanyama! Signal is still quite bad out here, but we’re doing the best we can!

Our journey from Wangibasha Base to here went very well and we praise God for a safe journey!

We arrived yesterday at Lufy Unit and set up camp! Things are going very well. As I write this report I can see the team running their clinic and another group doing EV with the kids! So fun!!

We will be here until Friday. We will then travel back to Ndola base and stay there until Monday. Then we will make our way south to Livingston! We’re all very excited for our sightseeing, but also bummed to be leaving the bush and all our friends. We’ve had so many beautiful experiences and have met so many AMAZING people! God is truly moving here!!

In our next report, my plan is to include some testimonies from each of the kids about their time here so far!! So keep an eye out!

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)