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Emma Gere

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Emma was born in San Luis Obispo, California and lived at a Christian camp where her parents worked, until she moved to Colorado when she was 8 years old. Her parents raised her in the church, always being involved in serving at their home church. This greatly influenced Emma’s passion to do ministry.

In 2018 Emma’s brother went on a mission trip with Teen Missions to Ecuador. This inspired her to go to Honduras the next year. On this mission trip, Emma felt called to go into youth ministry. The summer after Emma graduated in 2022, she went to youth camp with her church. At this camp there was a breakout class for people that felt called into ministry or missions. She went to the class and knew that the Lord was telling her to do youth ministry. When she came home, she began to look for schools that would better equip her to go into that ministry. Emma finally settled on Sojourner School of Ministry with Teen Missions. She started school in Fall 2023. Through this she was able to lead a team to Poland in 2024 and, Lord willing, will be leading a team to Peru in summer 2025!

In the fall of 2025, Emma will begin her year-long internship serving in Colombia. She is excited to see how the Lord will continue to grow her and teach her through this time.


  • January 30th