Fernando and Genelie Tan

Fernando went on his first Philippines Teen Missions team in 1990. He loved the idea of Teen Missions and eagerly dedicated his summers to serving on more summer teams. Two years later he met a young woman named Genelie and fell in love. He told her that once they got married, he would still commit his summers to Teen Missions.
In 1999, staff from Teen Missions in Florida came to run the annual Boot Camp and purchase land for a permanent Teen Missions base. Fernando and Genelie assisted with choosing the property and after much prayer, decided to work with Teen Missions full time. The Tans, as well as other volunteers, helped build up the new Teen Missions property. They had many challenging experiences, including sleeping in tents for five months until the first staff house was completed.
Over the years, the base has grown and flourished and today they not only run a summer Boot Camp, but they also coordinate a BIBLE, MISSIONARY & WORK (BMW) Training Center and operate a flourishing retreat center. The Tans have three wonderful grown children: Reuel, Stephen, and Keziah. Reuel, the eldest, was married last 2018 and has his own family now. Stephen is now pastoring a church at his young age. Keziah graduated from college and is currently working at the same time actively serving in the church.
Fernando – June 12
Genelie – April 14
Reuel – October 12
Stephen – August 5
Keziah – August 30
June 15, 1992
Prayer Requests:
BMW School: for more students and teachers
Wisdom in running the annual Boot Camp
BMW Interns
Good Health