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Kunda & Purity Musentekwa

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Kunda joined TMI as a student at the Zambia Bible, Missionary & Work Training Center in 2007. His first assignment was serving as Facilitator for a Rescue Unit in rural Zambia. From there he served as a Circuit Rider until 2013 when he left Teen Missions to work as an assistant pastor at a church. It was during his time as an assistant pastor that he met Purity, and they married in 2014. They rejoined Teen Missions Zambia as full-time missionaries after they got married.

As a single, Purity served at a church as a praise leader. She has always had a passion to serve.  As a married couple they have served in different capacities with Teen Missions including running a Bible, Missionary & Work Training Center in rural Zambia. Currently they are serving with Teen Missions South Africa as country coordinators. Kunda and Purity have both grown to love the Lord and allow Him to lead them as they trust the process. Together they have three children: Micheal, Ruth and Walusungu.


  • Kunda - February 14th
  • Purity - May 13th 
  • Michael - May 20th
  • Ruth - September 2nd 
  • Walusungu - January 17th


  • February 15th