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Amanda Evans Newsletter (Spring 2021)

Hey Family and Friends,

I hope everyone is doing well. We all know this year has been crazy. And last summer (2020) we didn’t get to go on teams, but we did get to clean things up and fix things. In the Finance Department, I have learned our new data program, which we call our dashboard and I have the privilege of showing people how to use it. I answer lots of questions which is not my favorite part of my job, but it does need to be done. I still work in the Mailroom which has been quite busy because of teams getting switched and canceled. And right now (as you can see) I am sending out the staff newsletters.


We are excited to get to do our summer programs and are sending out 12 teams this summer. As of right now I’m going to Malawi and am excited to get to go back. There are currently 22 team members on this team and our project will be to build a security wall.

Teach Them Diligently (TTD)

This year Teen Missions ran the teen and children’s program at a homeschool conference called Teach Them Diligently (TTD). Some of the staff and students went to help. I only went to Nashville, TN; Rogers, AR; and Mobile, AL. I worked with the 8-12 year olds; I usually like working with the 4-7 year olds, but it was fun to do a different age group. The older kids have a lot more questions, but it was a good group of kids at each location. We played games, worked on Bible verses and had a Bible lesson, had music and puppets, and watched some videos about missionaries.

Mud Run

It happened on May 8th! It was a good turnout with over 600 people in attendance! The weather was great! Since the TTD in Mobile, AL was the same weekend, some of the staff had to go help out. So those of us that went were sad that we missed it and we waited to see pictures and results. They said there were no major injuries and it was our biggest one yet! We had 636 people involved. Praise the Lord!

Personal Ministry

Last year I started volunteering at a homeless ministry. We give out a hot meal, as well as other items that they need. We are also able to share the Gospel and let them know people care about them. Part of this ministry is also to get them off the streets. It has been a great opportunity and I enjoy being able to help out!

Thank you to all my supporters for your prayers and financial support!  I couldn’t do this without you.  

Thank you so much for supporting me with your prayers and finances.

Hebrews 13:5, 6

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