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Amanda Evans Newsletter (Winter 2024)

Hey Family and Friends,

Happy 2024! Since coming back from Christmas vacation, we have been catching up on our work. We continue to register kids and send their packets out. It is also that time of year when our year-end receipts must be printed, folded and put in the mail. And of course, I always assist with getting the staff newsletters (like this one!) out in the mail. 

Homeless Ministry (Under the Bridge):

This ministry meets every Monday night at 6 pm in Titusville. I am blessed to take part in sharing the Gospel and a home-cooked meal with the homeless, hurting, and others who are in need in our community. I have been enjoying doing this since Fall 2020 and if I can not go on Mondays, I miss it. My main job is that I am in charge of unloading the trailer to set up and then loading the trailer up to the end of the night. Christmas was on Monday night so I got to help the homeless celebrate Christmas. It was fun to watch them go through toys and pick some out for their kids. Everybody got about five gift cards, too. January 25th was the Point In Time count (PIT) where we go around and count everyone living in vehicles, parks, and streets/sidewalks and in transitional housing and emergency shelters. This is done to help raise community awareness, to advocate for local and federal funding, to understand characteristics and trends of homelessness and to engage our community in ending homelessness.

Samaritan’s Purse:

I usually volunteer with them after a disaster (hurricane, tornado, etc…) but on December 31, 2023, I drove up to Selma, Alabama, to do a rebuild after a tornado hit that town.  Besides the physical help, we get to extend the homeowners spiritual and emotional support. I had the privilege of helping begin work on a house. On the first day we painted the house and then did the flooring, which I found out I liked doing (but it is back-breaking). I also got to learn how to put door frames in and then also did caulking. I enjoy volunteering with them. For each project we did, the boss would make sure we knew how to do it and then let us do it. When I first signed up for the rebuild, I did it to try it out but was not sure if I would want to do it again. After doing it once, I decided I might want to do it again. But I still like the clean-up from disasters better.

A testimony from the Uganda Boot Camp: 

Many people have been doubting whether TMI in Uganda can really perform as it used to do. Among them is Philemon Balaza (former team member) who is a part of a ministry in which they run their private schools in Mbale City. After hearing of the camp, he sent two of his kids. One of the days as he traveled from Kampala, he branched to check on his kids. He shared with me to say “I am so convinced that after just a few minutes, I have heard from my children the testimony they have given, I see that life is really coming back to Teen Missions in Uganda.” We have seen more than 30 people give their lives to the Lord! Therefore, we really thank the Lord for what He is doing here in Uganda. Be blessed for your daily support in prayers. The Lord is watching and brings it to pass.

Big Top Day & 5K Mud Run: 

Big Top Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 13.  If you are in the area and would like to help us set up our Big Top to prepare for the summer, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator by calling 321-453-0350.  

Our annual 5K Tough Gator Mud Run is scheduled for Saturday, May 4. The proceeds from the Mud Run are used to help those overseas who are less fortunate. You can register online if you’d like to run it. If you’re not interested in running in the mud, we could always use volunteers to help us man stations throughout the course.  

Thank you for your partnership with me in prayers and giving! You are a vital part of the ministry.

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