Anthony & Shawna Myers Newsletter (Fall 2024)
The first thing we want to do is thank you so much for your prayers this past few months; we certainly could feel them! James 5:16...The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Boot Camp training went well. It involved teams going to Brazil, Dominican Republic, Germany, Guatemala, Taiwan, Tanzania, Poland, India, Malawi, Colombia, Philippines, Zambia and Honduras. It was exciting to receive the reports from the teams in the summer and know best how to pray for them. The Tanzania team was a specialized team that held medical and eye clinics. They treated people from age 1 to 80+ years old using eye drops, pain medication, stomach relief, and treating sores. They were blessed to give out 168 pairs of glasses. I’m sure it was exciting to see the look on peoples’ faces who can now see clearly! That is just one of the updates from the 13 teams this summer. You can find the 2024 updates on as well as the new team locations for 2025!
While the teams were out on the field, rooms were prepared, food purchased, the grounds mowed and trimmed, and general maintenance was done to get ready for the two retreats we had coming between Boot Camp and Debrief! We had a group of 40 and a group of 85 come. They do their own schedule; we provide the housing, facilities and food. They were here until Friday the 19th after breakfast, at which time we had to make sure their rooms were clean and things were ready for teams starting to arrive on Saturday the 20th for the First Debrief. Debrief is an important time to share with the teens and help prepare them to go home. Anthony was in charge of the Debrief and I enjoyed helping in the kitchen and running the store. Continue to pray with us as some went home to very difficult situations and some went home very changed and on fire for the Lord.
The summer was a busy one, but we are thankful for 20 staff and volunteers who we called the “Launch Team” (as we helped launch the teams into their summer ministries)!
Darin returned from school in early May, then started his internship with an accounting firm in Orlando that only works with nonprofits. He loved it! The first week of the month was in-house, then he was able to work from home the rest of the month. He went out to clients a few times with other employees to get valuable experience. He is scheduled to work with them following his senior year, so he is thankful to already have a place to work. He was able to help a little at Debrief and enjoyed being with the TMI family. He was the Best Man in his friend Timothy’s wedding, then the next day we left to take him back to school. Brandon came down for the wedding, so he was a big help driving back up to PA as we were all pretty tired! Darin is back in school now and is playing tight end, and QB when they need him (which they needed him right away because of an injury!). Pray for safety as he does his final year of football.
After dropping Darin off at school, we were able to spend a few days with Anthony’s parents. They took us to see Daniel at Sight and Sound. That is always a highlight for us. They are so professional with their productions and truly present the Gospel message in all their performances. We enjoyed having a few days to relax; then we headed to Lebanon to see Brandon, Brooke, Sophia, Cohen and our newest granddaughter, Hazel. Hazel made quite an entrance on June 28 (during Boot Camp), when she was born in her parent’s car outside the emergency room! We are thankful Brooke’s sister was there to catch her! She was over 9 pounds and made it pretty easy on her mom...kind of! Everyone is doing well.
Jessie, John and Raelynn are doing well in Texas. They moved into a larger place and Jessie is doing well with her pregnancy. She is due at the end of October so we are planning to go see them in early November, once Elias is born. We appreciate those who pray for Jessie as she is still working with Mercy Ships.
Anthony has been feeling pretty good. He was changed to a different medication this spring for Crohn’s and it seems to be helping his iron levels also. He felt pretty good most of the busy summer, for which we are thankful. It has been a year since my cataract surgery and I am still so thankful to be able to open my eyes and see! In late May, I had surgery for a deviated septum. The doctor was hoping that it would help with my right eye that has been weeping since last fall, but I don’t really see any improvement. Pray that the Lord will heal it!
I continue to work in HR and Anthony is overseeing the many work projects being done on the property. There have been many needed upgrades. They are working on a new entrance to the office and display room, so the TMI world sign came down and will be put somewhere else. It’s exciting to see the progress. There are a number of Boot Camps running overseas in the next few months in Australia, Honduras, S. Africa, Tanzania (3) Uganda (2), and Zambia (4). Last year there were over 1200 young people and leaders involved! The last Malawi Boot Camps, that were just completed, had over 1000 team members and leaders! The Lord is truly growing the ministry overseas.
We had a number of families join staff recently and Heavenly Street (staff housing) is just about full! Anthony and I were able to pick out four new mobile homes for the staff and volunteers, which was fun! We Praise the Lord for all those He has led to join us and help with the workload here.
We are truly grateful for your part in our ministry here.
Anthony & Shawna
- Our faithful supporters and prayer partners
- Safe and fruitful summer ministry
- Anthony’s feeling well overall
- Our family is healthy and following the Lord
- Bases around the world are able to minister to thousands
Prayer Requests
- Boot Camps running overseas
- Continued good health to serve here
- Our personal walks with the Lord to grow
- Shawna’s eye to get fixed!
- Vehicle for us & Darin (after his Sr. Year)
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