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Bob Lane Newsletter (Fall 2024)

Dear Loving Family and Friends,

Summer has passed and Teen Missions was blessed to have over 300 teens and leaders serve the Lord overseas. It was my 48th Boot Camp and I thank God I was able to be a part of it. I miss not being able to lead a team. Betty and I looked forward to leading one each year. We loved getting to know each team member. Every once in a while, I hear from one of them. I recently talked with one that went twice to Ukraine. His daughter married the Director’s son in August and they are on staff. It’s always nice to see them, talk about our teams and to meet their families. 

One of my responsibilities is to visit each team, encourage them, and check around for any safety problems around Boot Camp. I visited several teams and as I walked around Boot Camp and passed a team, I hear them call out my name, “Hi, Mr. Lane!”. It encourages me. The Boot Camp went very well this year, except it was very hot (in the 90s). Maybe it was my age that caused me to notice it more! When I introduce myself, I ask if they can guess my age, then I encourage them to go over the wall and tell them I went over the wall when I was 80 years old. I have been on staff for 48 years, married 70 years to the same lady and traveled to 84 countries. That usually wakes them up. I tell them I have been to where they are going and tell them a few things about it. 

There were also 14 TMI Boot Camps running around the world this summer about the same time as ours in Florida. Over 2,000 teens participated and many people met the Lord Jesus for the first time!  

I recently enjoyed getting to spend time with the Teen Missions staff and students at their annual retreat.  It was a great time of fellowship and I was thankful to not have to cook. 

2024 I have faced a few setbacks. One morning in March, during devotions, I realized I couldn’t focus my eyes on reading the Bible. I thought it must be my glasses. I called and got an appointment. After the PA took pictures of my eyeball, she went for the doctor. When the doctor looked at the information, she instructed her aid to get me an appointment with the specialist and within two hours, I was in his office. They found the blood vessel was leaking and the specialist gave me an injection into my eyeball to stop the bleeding. He has been treating me now for five months. I now have some of my sight back, but not 100%. I get one injection each month and they will try to get my total sight back.

Other minor setbacks: The dentist says I need three crowns; my car battery had to be replaced; my ice maker quit working.  But these are just normal trials of life. 

Fourteen of my grandchildren, plus family from Oregon and California came to surprise me with a party for my 93rd birthday in March. It was great to have them all together. I enjoy spending time with Brennan, my oldest great-grandson (Desire’s oldest son) who is 14.  We go fishing together and I also watch him play baseball.  He also blesses me by mowing my yard. 

It’s been three years now since Betty went home to be with Jesus. I still miss Betty very much which I am happy for because I don’t want to ever forget the love we had for each other. I thank God that death doesn’t take away our memories of our loved ones. I am almost through writing Betty’s book of her life and our 70 years together. As I write and research her life, the more I remember. There are so many memories in our home from travels, family pictures, porcelain dolls Betty made, her Lladros she liked that we bought at the factory in Spain and many gifts from friends and pastors that we visited. My hardest task is cooking lunch and supper. She was such a wonderful cook and she spoiled me. 

The staff say I am improving with my painting. I paint a sunset on some of the canvases that brightens them up. A lady has asked me to show some at her art gallery at Cocoa Beach. My neighbor across the street, who is also an artist, said she likes some of the seascapes. She has been a big help by giving tips and pointers.

Love to all. Stay well and safe. Love each other today; tomorrow could be different.

Prayer Requests:

  • My family’s salvation
  • I will stay healthy to serve the Lord

Thanks for your prayers.

Bob Lane

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