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Brandon & Maddi Metzler Newsletter (Fall 2020)

Hey Everyone!

This letter is coming to you with a little bit of a different vibe than the last one. Instead of the busyness of moving and beginning new roles as staff, we are now pretty well settled into our home and lifestyle in Merritt Island. We want to thank you for your continued support that allows us to be where we feel the Lord has led us. As you know, summer 2020 teams were cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Though that was disappointing, it has given all of us staff a unique opportunity to focus on getting things around here in better operating condition! There is much to do while we prayerfully and anxiously await summer 2021 teams.

Our Jobs:

Brandon is part of a crew that works hard to keep the property looking and functioning really nice. They are often mowing, bush-hogging, weed eating, and edging. He has also had the opportunity to use some construction skills. He and another maintenance worker have built a much-needed new deck for one of the dorm buildings on the property. The dorms house team members during Debrief after a summer team along with volunteers and retreats that use the property throughout the year. Teen Missions has purchased a few new mobile homes on our street to house more staff and volunteers, and lately, Brandon has been tasked with getting those move-in ready. From installing water lines and laying down sod to putting in skirting, he has certainly been working hard and acquiring many new skills. He has been doing a fabulous job of playing guitar for some chapel services and has even given the message once. I look forward to hearing him do it again!

I (Maddi) have been going into the office every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 pm-5 pm while Darrell goes to Miss Faith, our babysitter, across the street. We are very thankful for her. :)  In the Video Department I have been creating/editing: videos that help to inform supporters of happenings here and around the world, videos of teen testimonies after a team, videos that explain ministries overseas, videos that promote and advertise our summer ministry, and even videos that disciple teens! These videos are posted on social media, the website, and Youtube. I absolutely love the variety of material I get to work with. The stories I get to hear bring me goosebumps and remind me why I love this ministry so much. I am also one of the social media managers, meaning I get to help create posts for the Teen Missions Facebook and Instagram accounts. It has been really exciting learning how to do everything and watching as it unfolds into a powerful and modern way of doing ministry.

Teen Missions:

Though our main U.S. ministry was cancelled this year, we were still able to connect with some teens through a program we launched called #MissionHere. Kids who were signed up to go on a team in 2020 were encouraged to join the program where we equipped them with evangelism resource packets to minister in their own communities. #MissionHere participants had several Zoom meetings where they were able to still receive missionary training and discipleship. We had almost 100 teens who participated!

At our overseas bases, Teen Missions has been able to serve in their communities as well. In India, the base is giving away food and helping with relief efforts. In Honduras, the government provided food and our staff helped to distribute it, gaining several opportunities to pray with people. In the Philippines, the government asked our Circuit Riders to go out into villages to encourage children and adults. They provided them with special IDs to make it through traveling checkpoints. COVID-19 may have changed some things, but God is still using Teen Missions in big ways!

We are also very hopeful and expectant for summer 2021 teams. We already have over 170 teens and leaders registered!

Our Family:

In our free time, we mostly like to go to a beach called Jetty Park. We like to fish off of the pier and shorelines there, and we often get to see cruise boats coming in and out of the jetty. It has some of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen! Brandon will also fish around the Teen Missions property where he and a few other guys are convinced they have spotted a 6 ft. Tarpon and have made it a competition to see who can catch it first. Occasionally, we go biking and hiking, enjoying the Florida scenery, but not so much the bugs. We have recently “adopted” three Bible students and look forward to having them over for suppers and game nights. Darrell continues to grow and has upgraded from crawling everywhere to pulling up on everything. It won’t be long before he’s walking! He is still a pro at making friends, too.

We have been attending a church called Trinity Community Church where we are beginning to get plugged in. We are attending their college and career group every other Friday evening, sometimes leading worship for their meetings. I am also attending a women’s Bible study every Saturday morning. We still find ourselves missing some things from our home church, but we are overall very pleased with Trinity and the new friends we are making there


Brandon and I are constantly amazed at the Lord’s provision during our time here, but we are also still actively seeking people to financially support us. We are about $1,000 short of what we need each month. Any pledge amount brings us closer to our goal! If you feel led at all to give, please do! We need your help to continue our ministry here. An easy way to give is by visiting the website: Select “Full Time Staff” and then click on our family photo.

The Lord often confirms that we are where we are meant to be, so we are fully trusting in His timing and goodness. Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter and invest in our lives! We appreciate it!

In Christ,

Brandon, Maddi, and Darrell Metzler

Prayer Requests:

Financial Support

Wisdom in parenting

2021 teams

Energy and zeal for the workplace


In Christ,

Brandon, Maddi, and Darrell Metzler

Verse: “But my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Prayer Requests: 

-Financial Support

-Wisdom in parenting

-2021 teams

-Energy and zeal for the workplace

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