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Craig & Sharon Butler Newsletter (Fall 2024)

Greetings from the Sunshine State!

Things have been very busy for us since we left Ohio in the spring and began this new season of ministry as missionaries with Teen Missions. 

In May, we packed up our home in Ohio and prepared for the move to Florida. 

We are living in Teen Missions staff housing (which has been a huge blessing), but it meant we had to do a significant amount of downsizing. It took several weeks, a few garage sales, countless trips to Goodwill, and the help of some amazing friends to get the job done! At the end of May, we were ready to go and hit the road to Florida.

A few days (and many miles) later, we arrived at our new home. We were greeted with welcome signs and balloons in the house, groceries in the pantry, and the Teen Missions staff ready to help unload the truck. It took them less than an hour to unload the truck that took days to pack!  

We spent the next few days unpacking, but much of the work would have to wait until we returned from the summer in Taiwan. 

It was time to get ready for our team members to arrive at the Lord’s Boot Camp! 

For the next 10 days, we trained for the mission field with our three assistant leaders and 17 team members (including Nora). We were trained in personal evangelism, puppets, music, drama, children’s programs, cross-cultural ministry, etc. More importantly, we prepared ourselves spiritually for the task ahead with Bible classes, personal devotions, team prayer and the evening rallies. God moved in amazing ways in the lives of our team members!

Craig had the opportunity to fulfill one of his “bucket-list” items by preaching at one of the evening rallies. (It’s on YouTube if you’d like to see it - search “Teen Missions Rally, June 23, 2024”). Craig also taught Personal Evangelism classes and Sharon taught puppet classes. It was such a blessing to be used by God to shape the lives of these young missionaries and prepare them for the work that God has planned for them! 

After our training, we headed across the world to the island nation of Taiwan.  

The vast majority of the Taiwanese population follows Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and traditional folk religions. Only 4% follow Christ and those who do, often face rejection from their family and friends.  

Our team served at three summer camps in Taiwan (Hallelujah Camp, Shout Camp, and Galilee Camp) where we shared the Gospel with the hundreds of children and teenagers that attended—most of whom were not believers. The language barrier was challenging at times and our schedule was hectic, but God worked through the team to impact lives!

In between camps, we did presentations in local churches and children’s ministries, cleared much-needed overgrown land at a christian campground, and experienced the beauty of the country of Taiwan from one of the tallest buildings in the world - Taipei 101.

Since returning home, we have been unpacking, settling into our new home, and working at the Teen Missions ministry headquarters. 

Craig is working with the Program Development and  Graphics/IT Departments and Sharon is working in the Promotions Department. Both of us are teaching classes in the Sojourner School of Ministry as well. Craig is teaching Homiletics and Sharon is teaching a Spiritual Life class.  We will also be co-teaching a Minor Prophets class in the spring.

We are amazed at all that God has done in the last few months, and we are excited about the things that He has planned! We are thankful for each and every one of you! 

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and support. Please continue to pray for us as we work to mobilize the next generation of missionaries!

God Bless,

Craig, Sharon and Nora Butler

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