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Delaynie Myhre Newsletter (Spring 2024)

Hello Everyone!

First of all, I am Incredibly Thankful For You!

These past couple of months here in Florida have been quite the adjustment. I have had to learn so many things, from how to work in an office setting, to simply living alone and creating a routine of my own. Through these trials, I can truly boast of the support system I have surrounding me whether it be here in Florida or back home in Virginia. It has been amazing to see how the Lord has provided such an amazing community! Lucy the cat and I are so grateful for you!

The Month of March
March was a whirlwind of events. Firstly, my main goal in March was to adjust to a new living environment, and I think I have adjusted quite well. Since being here in Florida, I have certainly been humbled. Living an independent life is not as easy as I thought it would be.

Secondly, I was introduced to my job at Teen Missions–The Finance Department. While finance is not one of my strengths, I think I’m catching on quite well! I have the opportunity to connect with the staff here daily. The teamwork mindset is incredibly encouraging and very present in everyday life here at TMI. I appreciate the willingness everyone has to listen when it comes to how we can add value to the ministry and serve not only the Lord but His people well! I am given the daily opportunity to learn from wise teachers and to expand my relationship with Christ.

Florida Spring Break
March 24th-March 30th: I was privileged to assist in leading the Spring Break team held here in Florida at the Teen Missions base. We had seven team members from the east coast and five of the students/staff were leading. We spent our time serving around the base doing numerous jobs that assisted in getting ready for the summer teams to arrive as well as getting the property ready for the Mud Run we held on May 4th. I had so much fun getting to know these teens and learning what led them to join this team.

There was one day when I was put in charge of building a bridge with my team. Now I don’t know the first thing about building anything (unless we’re talking lego), but what I do know is that I certainly tried my best! I was given a few verbal instructions on how to begin the project with three team members and four hours to get this project rolling. We may not have remotely finished the project, but we certainly tried and shared many laughs along the way.

This group was such a joy to work with! We finished out our week by simply spending the last day enjoying one another as we fellowshipped together. We spent Saturday going bowling and having lunch together. I just want to say I have never in my life seen so many teenagers so eager to go bowling! I found it so funny because that was the last activity I thought they would be eager to do, but they were! I am not good at bowling at all but I certainly gave it my all, and well… My all was not very impressive. I’ll just stick to the Legos…By the end of the week, I was able to convince two girls from the spring break team to join my summer team. That leads us to the big question:

Where is Delaynie going this summer?

Summer Missions
I have mentioned it to some people, but I am excited to share with you that this summer I will be leading a team to COLUMBIA!!! I have a little team of 15 members and I am so excited! In Columbia, my team will be working at a missions center, where they will be building a sidewalk, and a fence, and planting coffee trees. I am so excited! From the pictures I’ve seen of the area where our ministry will be held, it is so beautiful! From June 18th-August 2nd I will be fully consumed with my team and with whatever the Lord has in store for us during our time in Columbia.

Mud Run
On May 4th Teen Missions held their annual Mud Run and oh boy was it exhausting! The Mud Run is a fundraiser that Teen Missions holds yearly where all the proceeds go to the Rescue Units overseas–one of the many ministries that they have. It is a 5k run that is held on the property and there are many obstacles that I do not personally find appealing, but the 628 runners that we had certainly did! My job was to greet the racers at the starting line. I introduced each wave of runners to the ministry, explained the purpose of the fundraiser and went over the rules along with some information regarding the obstacles.

It would be false advertising if the Mud Run was not muddy. It was so interesting to be able to see everyone cross the starting line clean and pristine and cross the finish line unrecognizable. They were covered head to toe in mud! We had 19 competitive runners and they were caked in mud up to their ears.

Overall it was such a fun day! Everyone had a great time and it was so encouraging as staff to see this many people on campus being exposed to the vision of Teen Missions International.

While March-April has certainly been a whirlwind, I wouldn’t trade the new experiences I’ve gotten to be a part of, the amazing people I’ve gotten to know, and the solitude I’ve gotten to spend with God for anything. And that, my friends, is the tea.

Please Pray
The Lord will give me wisdom as I lead this team to Columbia and the Lord will use me to bless them.
That I continue to remain obedient
For good health among the staff at Teen Missions as we are beginning the hustle and bustle of summer.
For my partners who support me at this ministry and bless me daily to be able to be obedient to God and his plan for me.
I love you all so much and am so thankful to have you all in my life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Delaynie Kate Myhre

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