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Doug & Barb Petersen Newsletter (Fall 2020)

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings. How are all of you? You are in our hearts and our prayers. I am sure we all hoped and prayed things would be getting better by now, but we are still wearing masks and seeing the numbers bounce around. We are so thankful to hear about the upcoming Christian gathering scheduled for the 26th of September in Washington, DC. It will be over by the time you receive this letter, but it is our prayer that true repentance will be manifested and that we can do as we are instructed in II Chronicles 7:14. May our Father have mercy on the United States of America. May we return to our God and to the principles of our foundations.We continue with classes in the Bible, Missionary & Work Training Program. We are in the last term with the seniors looking forward to graduation in December. There are 43 students who are pressing on.  

We have nearly completed the new men’s dorm. It actually has some who are bunking in it right now during our Refresher Course—this is when we have all of the staff and interns who are ministering in the Rescue Units come to the base for one week. This taxes our sleeping accommodations to the limit. But everyone found a place to rest. The meetings are very encouraging. There are many reports to collect and send in, but hearing what is going on in the various places brings much thanksgiving to God. At the Chiwala Unit, Mike and Queen have seen 10 Muslims come to know Jesus. It started with the wives and then they went home sharing what God had done and the husbands wanted to come and hear God’s Word. The Chief in that area has family members who have come for prayer for healing. Our staff will  lead them to the Lord first, then pray for their healing, and often they are healed on the spot. Praise God for His faithfulness to these new babes in Christ.

One thing I always love when I read the Word each day is noticing verses about the generations. Our hearts remain steadfast to see this next generation  prepared for what is ahead. It seems they could well be the generation that brings in the harvest that ushers in the coming of the Lord. Matthew 24:14 says, “And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to the nations, and then the end will come”.  So I am watching for a world-wide harvest (even in the US) to show the world the power of God and display a triumphant church that the gates of hell cannot prevail against.  

I am excited to announce that even in our family the third generation is entering into missions. Timothy Douglas Petersen, Steve’s son, just started Bible school at Teen Missions. I believe he will be a part of the army of God who is the Word of God to the world. There is a verse, Joel 1:3, that I am taking a bit “out of context”, but I love the intent that is given. It says, “Tell your children about it. Let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.” What we are putting into the next generation to leave with the next and the next, and so on.  This is our calling. It is for every family. It is called a legacy. We can pray for all of the generations of our families who are coming after us to hold fast to the Word, to be alert and to stand strong. When everything is said and done, it is the Word that will last forever.

I am not usually so “preachy” in these newsletters, but we need to  “Work while it is day because night is coming when no man can work”.

Again we want to say thank you for allowing us, through your sacrificial gifts, to continue serving the Lord in Zambia. It is our great joy to be here. We see the people that God has raised up through this ministry and it is His grace and mercy.  To God be all the Glory. You are a part of this harvest through your prayers and support. It is every bit as important as being here in person. We love you. We pray that you are healthy and strong in the midst of the trials in the world today.  God is a good God. He doesn’t change. He loves you and we do, too.  

Thank you for joining your hands with ours as we labor together,

In His Harvest,

Doug and Barb Petersen

Matt. 6:33 & Gal. 2:20

Update on Doug’s Health: We arrived in the US on October 1.  Doug went to see his cardiologist on October 9 and just like that was told he needed to go to ER and be admitted.  His heart rhythym was way off.  They could not get it in sync with meds so they had to do electric shock and it worked.  But his other serious problem is that his heart valve needs to be replaced.  That is scheduled now for Nov. 16th.  We pray that date will not need to be changed.  There are a couple of other heart issues also that will be looked at while he is in the US.  It is a miracle that we were able to travel on the long flights.  We give God all of the Glory for continuing to watch over us each day.  Ultimately, He is the healer!   Please continue to pray for health and strength while we are in the States.  We are planning to go back to Africa the first week of January, the Lord willing.

Thank you for your prayers.

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