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Emily Brumbelow Newsletter (Fall 2020)

Dear Friends, Family, & Supporters;

It’s so good to be sitting down and writing this update to you all! The last time I sent out an update was the end of April. When looking back, it doesn’t seem like much has happened over the last five months, but a lot actually has.

Starting off, I would just like to give God all the glory for keeping me and those close to me healthy. I have not been seriously sick (let alone with COVID) since this whole pandemic began, and I’m incredibly grateful to God for sustaining me. He is so good. I thank you for your prayers over me and my work; they play a huge role in my life. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you!


The work of Teen Missions is continuing to thrive, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it. I have continued training in the Finance Department learning all I can about Mortgages/Loans. Mrs. Paula (who is training me) will be retiring in December, so we are working to make sure I feel comfortable and prepared to take over in December. There are many countless things I’ve had the ability to learn so far, especially when it comes to the legal side of this job. There’s a lot of legal paperwork that goes into a mortgage, so that has been an integral thing to learn for sure. I’ve been learning a good amount of accounting and how to apply payments to the borrowers’ loans. This can sometimes be a daunting task, when you’re faced with loads of numbers and such, but I’m getting more and more comfortable with it. Which I’m very grateful for.

I also had the opportunity to help out with the launching of Teen Missions’ new website which looks amazing! I really encourage you all to take a look at it sometime— Something else I’ve been working on is scanning and archiving old files. Teen Missions is doing their best to digitize everything, so I’ve been busy doing that for my specific department. This was no easy task, especially since we’ve been accumulating files since the early 80’s. But, I’m glad to say a good chunk is finished! A lot of the files needed to be shredded, so it was very exciting to wait for the guy to come with his shredding truck, and to see all those old files be shredded.

One final thing I’ve been working on is starting up a way for our borrower’s to do automatic payments for their loans (ACH). This is something that we haven’t done before, so I’ve been involved in getting it launched which has been exciting. It will be so beneficial for not only our borrowers, but also myself as it will lessen my work load (which is already quite full) considerably. So all in all, work is going well!


At the Beach with some other staff ladies!Life in Florida has been good, albeit very, very hot. Once the quarantine lifted, it was nice to go back to the beach or on walks in the park (still being safe to socially distance of course). I always aim to go earlier in the mornings or evenings so it isn’t too hot. I do my best to not take for granted the fact that I live around all these beautiful sights.

I’ve been trying to get more involved in my church down here. I’ve joined a ladies’ Bible study that meets on Saturday mornings and it has been a joy to learn and grow with these different ladies. I’m also involved in a college and career group that meets two Fridays a month. It’s been fun to get to know more people my age, and we’re currently learning about discipleship. This is something that has been placed on the hearts of our group leaders, and they have done an awesome job in leading us. I’ve also been spending time with the new Staff who have joined the work of Teen Missions full time. It’s been super nice getting to know them more!

Akiki WeddingIn August I had the chance to go home to Georgia for 2 1/2 weeks, and it was so lovely to see my family. I rented a car and drove myself up (this was the first time doing the trip by myself) and it all went very well. Praise Jesus! It was mostly a relaxing time, seeing as COVID is ongoing and I didn’t want to go out and do too much. I was very thankful to visit my home church and see my church family, and to have the opportunity to share via Zoom with one of the Sunday school classes. I had a chance to have dinner with one of my lovely supporters, who I love dearly. I was also able to go to the wedding of good friends of mine, Hannah and Gabe. Hannah and I were in Bible school together and also roommates several times throughout the years, so I was very thankful to be able to go celebrate their special day. It was beautiful! Though it was a short time at home, and also a little strange due to COVID, I was so thankful for the time I was able to spend. I drove myself back down and returned to work at the beginning of September.


My support and finances are doing well. I want to thank all of my supporters so much for all they do and sacrifice for me. I couldn’t do what I do without God using you in support of me. Thank you. I am at about 60% of my goal of monthly support to raise. So, if you or anyone you know would be interested in supporting me, please let me know! Also, feel free to give out my email, [email protected], to anyone who would like to get in touch with me. If you are interested in donating online you can go to Anything and everything helps, whether it’s reoccurring or a one-time donation. It makes a difference in my life and work, so I thank you.

Other tidbits:

Akiki WeddingMy next travel plans are to visit Georgia in November 22nd through the 29th. I’m excited to visit in the Fall and actually have some cool weather. It will also be nice to be with family for Thanksgiving.

At the beginning of November, my best friend, Abby, will be visiting from Minnesota and I can’t wait to see her! We have always had a long-distance friendship, so we try to get together at least once a year. This will be the second time I am seeing her this year, so we are getting an extra visit in.

As for next summer, Teen Missions is hoping and praying to be able to do teams overseas again, Lord willing. As of now, I am scheduled to lead a team to Europe. This could obviously change, but we shall see. I will definitely keep you updated as I know more.

What God Has Been Teaching Me:

These past few months I feel as though the Lord has been teaching me about contentment. Oftentimes I struggle to find contentment in God alone. I look to other people or things to fulfill me. This is a failed venture from the start, because we may find fleeting fulfillment, but never a lasting one. This lasting fulfillment and contentment comes from Jesus Christ only. Through my Ladies’ Bible Study, I’ve seen God showing this to me more and more. I often turn to the Scripture for comfort only or for selfish reasons. Finding comfort in the Scripture isn’t wrong obviously, but it’s wrong if that’s the only reason we go to the Word of God. The Bible is for us to learn about who God is.

“Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.” Philippians 4:11-12

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter, and for your continued support of me. I praise Jesus for each of you!

Blessings & lots of love,


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