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Emily Brumbelow Newsletter (Fall 2022)

Emily Brumbelow Newsletter (Fall 2022)

Dearest Friends, Family, and Supporters:

I’m so glad to be writing this newsletter to you all. It has been an awesome couple of months. God has been so good and I’m excited to share it with you all. Boot Camp (Training Time): Boot Camp (which is a two-week time of training for all the kids and leaders to be prepared to travel and live overseas) was good and busy as always. I once again taught the music classes for all the teams. During this time, I help them to put together an evangelistic music presentation making sure it is orderly and helping them choose which songs they would like in their presentation. I also helped on the Obstacle Course each morning, judging one of the obstacles. I went as needed to keep up with my work in the Finance Office, and stuff with the Bible school (Sojourner School of Ministry). I really enjoy helping with the music classes as it gives me an opportunity to know all of the teams and team members! It’s fun being able to interact with them.


After two weeks of training our team of 19 teens and four leaders traveled to Uganda. Travel went well— we had no major issues, it was just LONG! We did lose one bag in transit, but it was delivered to us within a week. Once we made it to the Teen Missions Base in Jinja, Uganda, we were greeted by all the staff and students, along with a delicious meal! They were all so kind and welcoming to us, and it was truly a blessing.

The next morning we spent settling in and getting to know the base, along with the staff. The property there is beautiful, with lots of pretty bright green trees. After a day of settling, the team got to work on their project. The plan was to continue working on a security wall around the property. Different parts were already built, but they had us focus on one main area where people had been crossing through that shouldn’t have been. The kids worked HARD—building everything from the ground up. They worked on clearing out trees (they took out many stumps!), brush, and rocks. They then worked on measuring everything out before digging the foundation. After some time, they got to the point of being able to lay the footer and start bricklaying the actual wall. The team made a lot of progress, and I was so proud of their work.

The team also had the opportunity to evangelize at different Sunday schools that the base has on their property. Each time they helped with this, around 40-50 children were in attendance. Our team had a lot of fun with this and loved playing with all the kids!

Something special we were able to do was help out at a local school with children from infancy- fifth grade. The school had around 300 students I believe. The team shared their evangelism program with them, and also put together some fun Bible skits. All the students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed this. In turn the students and teachers shared some songs and a dances with us all. It was so fun! We also shared a wonderful lunch together, and we all truly enjoyed this time of fellowship.

Something fun we got to do for sightseeing was a beautiful safari in northern Uganda. After a pretty bumpy eleven-hour bus ride, but we made it and enjoyed all the beautiful sights. We saw elephants, giraffes, gazelles, water buffaloes, warthogs, monkeys and more! We also got to see some beautiful waterfalls! Though it was a long and uncomfortable bus ride, it was worth it seeing all of God’s creation.

Unfortunately, during our last week in Uganda, three of our kids were hit with Malaria. For me, as the head female leader, this was a scary experience. I’ve had sick kids on teams before, I’ve even had to take kids to the hospital. But this was different. However, God was so good through it all. Out of the three, only one was seriously sick and had to be hospitalized. I, along with a male leader, stayed with him in the hospital. He was there for around three days and thankfully recovered enough in time to travel back to the States. I’m thankful to report they are all doing well! We serve a good and gracious King. So, even in the midst of that fear and uncertainty, He gave me a lot of peace through it all.


After four weeks in Uganda, we traveled back to Florida for Debrief. During this time the teams have classes to prepare them to go back home and adjust to life back at home. It was a quick last few days together, but good as well. I can truly say that this group of teens were amazing, and I really loved them. They also really loved each other and seemed very close to one another. Each night was ‘hug time’ for everyone, and they all made sure to say goodnight to everyone. Our last day together was bittersweet with a lot of tears. I miss them!

After Summer/Vacation Time:

When the summer wrapped up, I worked for two more weeks before I started my vacation time. I was so thankful to have my parents and brother, Josh, come down here for a visit! It was so fun to have them here and spend that time together. It was bittersweet as well, not having Caleb there. But we enjoyed sharing some fun memories of him with one another. We had time to just relax, watch some good TV, go to the beach, and eat some yummy food! The last week of August, my best friend Abby and her daughter, Ezra, came for a visit, and we had a wonderful girl’s trip together! This was my first-time meeting Ezra in person, and it did not disappoint. She is truly one of the best babies I’ve ever met, plus she’s just so cute! After all these fun visits, it was back to work for me!

Work, Bible School & More:

Getting back to work, there was a good bit of stuff to catch up on. I was also preparing for six new students to come to the Bible school! Praise the Lord! The new school term started without any issues and the students seem to be adjusting well. We have seven altogether and it has been so fun getting to know them all. One of the new students has started working with me in the afternoons as my secretary and I’m so thankful for her help! You rock, Abigail! The third week of September, all the staff, students, interns, board members and incoming staff went on a retreat together in Bradenton, FL. It was a really good time together. We had some good discussions, big laughs, and fellowship together. God is good. Since then, I’ve been back at work and doing my best to plan a ministry outreach for the students. All seven of them, along with two of the interns, myself, and two other staff will travel to eastern Kentucky to help with Samaritan’s Purse. A pretty serious flood went through there in July, and we are going to help clean up some homes in the area. We will be going from October 6th-11th. All of us are looking forward to this opportunity and I appreciate your prayers for us all!

What’s Upcoming:

As for what’s next! After our Samaritan’s purse trip, it’ll be back to work as normal. Before long I will have fiscal year end finances to get together, and a new school term to prepare for in January. I’m planning on teaching next term, which I’m looking forward to! In December I’m planning on traveling home for the holidays and I’m looking forward to seeing all my Georgia friends and family. I’ll be there from December 21st-29th and would love to get together with any in the area!! Please shoot me a text or email if that’s something you would be interested in. [email protected]

What Has God Been Teaching Me:

A lot!! However, the main thing is loving people more. Every summer team, this is an area I grow in a lot for sure because you often have to deal with some hard individuals. But I don’t necessarily mean God is helping me to love difficult people, but I more so mean He is helping me to love the people that I already care for more. Something I have been learning in grief counseling is that I often keep people at an arm’s length. I keep somewhat surface level relationships. However, if we are truly called to love one another and have fellowship with one another we will desire to know others and have them know us. So, that has been something I am working on in my life. I’ve also been striving to not only love others more, but to love God more. It’s an easy thing to say, but sometimes harder to put into practice in our daily lives. But, if we believe the verses of Mark 12:30-31 to be true, “’And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these’”, we will strive to make this our focus in life.

Thank you:

A wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all of my wonderful supporters. You each are a true blessing to me. I couldn’t do what I’m doing without God using you in my life and ministry. Whether you support me financially, prayerfully, or just by reading these updates, thank you!

I’m always looking for more financial supporters, whether they are able to do a one-time gift or join my monthly support team. My support has dropped a little lower the past few months, so I’m looking to bring it up another $800 a month. Please prayerfully consider joining in partnering with me. I’m also happy to answer any questions you might have about this.

Many blessings and lots of love,


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