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Emily Brumbelow Newsletter (Spring 2024)

Dearest Friends, Family, & Supporters:

Happy May! Wow, this year sure is flying by! I’m praying that you all are doing well.

Since my last letter, I finished teaching a course on Cross-Cultural Communications. It was a joy to teach and to spend time with the students. At the end of March, the students began a new term, and I am not teaching. I’m missing it! Right now, we have 12 students (I’ll attach a picture of all their cute faces), and we have six more students accepted to begin in the fall!

I’m also working with our second-year students who are beginning their yearlong internships in August. I’m so proud and excited for each of them! One is going to Southeast Asia, one to Central America, two to Africa, and two to Australia. I appreciate your prayers as I continue to coordinate the school and for each of the students and upcoming interns. Speaking of the upcoming interns, I had a blast surprising them with a “senior skip day” on April 11th. We went on an airboat ride tour, a lovely walk across a swampy boardwalk, and finally fellowshipping and playing games. Super thankful to the Kostners for making us all a wonderful dinner to end the day with! These students have worked so hard, and they deserve a fun day off. I had an amazing time with them.

Work: I was blessed to have a new staff member join our department and come alongside me to train on the work in finance. Her name is Delaynie, and she is doing a wonderful job learning! She was an answer to prayer and is a true blessing to me! This has freed me up to spend more time on work for Sojourner, and other details with the students and interns.

Mud Run 2024:
On May 4th, Teen Missions hosted their annual Mud Run! I had a great time seeing all the runners come out; around 630 participants in all! Faith and I worked on the registration line again, and it was a good time. Everyone I heard from said they had a wonderful time on the course. It’s a huge blessing to know all of the proceeds will go around the world to help people in need. 

Summer 2024:
This is why it’s so crazy to me that it’s May! The arrival day for Boot Camp (training time) is June 18th, and that is rapidly approaching. I will be leading a team to Zambia this summer. We have four leaders altogether and 21 team members. I’m so excited for them to arrive, and to serve the Lord this summer. Our team is an eyeglass/medical team. We will be holding clinics in different remote villages in Zambia and will also have the opportunity to share the Gospel through different types of evangelism (puppets, songs, dramas, games, and more). I appreciate your prayers for our team, as my fellow leaders and the team members prepare to come, for our time of training, and for our time in Zambia. I’m praying that God will do a special work in the lives of these teenagers and in the lives of those we will meet in Zambia. To God be the glory for all that He has done and will do.

After Summer Plans:
My Zambia team will finish up on August 2nd, and I’m planning on working until August 16th to catch up on everything missed during the summer. I’ll be flying to Georgia to spend time with family on August 19th-31st. While I’m there, I would love to catch up with any of you in the area. Shoot me an email if you’d like to get together: [email protected]. I’ll be back at work on September 3rd preparing for our new students to arrive on September 9th. So excited!

I’ve recently begun sending out prayer requests through PrayVine, please let me know if you would like to be added to the list! All I need is your email address, and any time I send out a prayer request, it will go directly to your email.

What God’s Been Teaching Me:
In this season of life, God has been teaching me to trust in Him and His plan for my life. There are certain times and in certain areas of life where I don’t feel totally qualified, or maybe even ready to do what He might be asking. However, through it all, I can see God working in my life, and in my heart to prepare me. It’s beautiful to see that He has been preparing me all along, I just didn’t always see it. It is a comfort to know that since the foundations of the world, God had a plan and purpose for me, and for you too.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:3-6.

Prayer Requests:
For the summer ministry of Teen Missions, for every team member and leader, going out to 12 different countries.
For health and safety for myself and my team.
Please pray for more ministry partners to come alongside me. I would like to raise around $600-$700 more each month to meet my monthly budget through Teen Missions. I ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with me through the ministry of Teen Missions. Here’s a link to the online donation portal:
That in all I say and do, that Christ may be glorified.

Thank you:
I want to take a moment to thank every one of you for reading this newsletter. Whether you support me financially, or prayerfully, I’m so grateful. Please know that I pray for each of you, that God will be close to you in whatever season you find yourselves in. He is always there.

Much love & many blessings,


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