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Emily Brumbelow Newsletter (Winter 2021)

Dear Friends, Family, and Supporters,

I pray you all are doing well! I’m excited to be writing this update to you. It’s hard for me to believe it’s really 2021. Honestly, 2020 flew by, but it also seemed like it dragged on. I’m sure many of you felt that way as well. Please know that I’m so thankful for each and every one of you—for the love, support, and prayers you bless me with. You are appreciated!


Since the last time I sent out an update, quite a few holidays have passed! I was very thankful to go home for Thanksgiving and see my family. My parents, brothers, sister-in-law, and I enjoyed a nice dinner and time together. I also got to spend time with one of my cousins. It was wonderful to visit, even if it was for a short time. 

As for Christmas, it didn’t work out for me to go home, so I spent Christmas here in Florida. On Christmas Eve I went to my church and was able to worship with them. We had a beautiful candlelight service. On Christmas Day, a family I work with (the Kostners), invited me over for the day. We had a delicious meal of lasagna, salad, and rolls and pies for dessert! We spent time playing lots of games and watching movies. It was such a fun day. Christmas evening I went over to another staff lady’s (Ms. Pat’s) house for dinner and a Christmas movie! It was a good day. I also had the chance to video chat with my parents, which was great. 

The last week of December I was able to visit my best friend, Abby, in Minnesota! It was quite a climate change going from Florida to Minnesota. The day I landed, there was actually a big snow that came in, which was so awesome—it was gorgeous. I spent plenty of time with Abby, her husband Taylor, and their son Monroe. I also spent time with Abby’s parents and her sister. I love them all so much and it was such a good time. We had fun celebrating New Year’s with a fun appetizer cook off challenge! We also watched movies, played games, and went sledding during my visit. I was so thankful to go.


My work and ministry at Teen Missions International continue to go very well. I have been on Staff for 10 months now! So crazy. It has been a fun journey so far. As I’ve said before I work in the Finance Department, specifically handling mortgages and loans. Teen Missions has a supporting ministry called Third World Missions. Through Third World Missions, loans and mortgages are given out, specifically to churches. The funds from this go to support and run our work and the staff overseas. My day-to-day can look a little different depending on what’s going on. For the most part, I work applying and processing payments from our borrowers. This includes accounting, answering lots of emails and phone calls. I also work to make sure all of our borrowers have adequate insurance for their properties and that their taxes are up to date. I work with our attorney on any legal matters as well. There are other odds and ends of course, but that’s what I work with mostly. I really enjoy the work I do, and I’m learning more each and every day. It’s definitely a time of growth, so please be in prayer for me—that I would do my job well, and that in everything I do it would bring glory to the Lord.


Starting in January I began teaching in the Bible school. This is the same Bible school I went to and graduated from. I have really been enjoying it! I’m teaching Christian Ethics and I’ve been learning so much through it. Each of the students are a joy to teach, and I’ve been so impressed with their hard work and knowledge! Please be praying for me as I teach. It can be a little nerve wracking at times. This term will last until the end of March. Then they will start a new set of classes. 


As of late I’ve been doing my best to get involved with different activities and groups at my church here. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know people better at church, and I love how welcoming they’ve all been. 

I’m involved in a Saturday morning ladies group. The past few months we went through a book by Jen Wilkens called ‘Women of the Word’. It was an awesome study and I really enjoyed it. That study ended in December and we are now gearing up to start another study on the book of Psalms. I’m really looking forward to meeting again, it’s something I’ve really missed this past month! 

I’m also involved in a college and career group. We normally meet twice a month on Friday or Sunday evenings. During the holiday season, we had a few fun get togethers and game nights! It was nice to get to know everyone more. We are starting a new study at the end of this month, so that will be nice to dig into. Pray that this group can grow, our group leaders are praying for more to come. 

I’m also getting involved in a community group on Wednesday evenings. These are similar to small groups, but just called a different name. The community group I began attending took a break for most of December, due to holidays or people going out of town, so I haven’t spent much time with them. But, I’m looking forward to going again and getting to know everyone better. The fellowship is so important, and uplifting to me and my life. 


So, since I wasn’t able to go home for Christmas, I’m planning on going to visit around Easter, Lord willing. When I travel up, I am hopefully going to get a ‘newer to me’ car with my parents help. The one I have now seems to be on it’s last leg. So, if you guys can be praying about that, and that I would have the necessary funds that would be amazing. If you would like to donate to support me in specifically buying a car, you can do that! Teen Missions has helped me set up a car fund. You go online and donate or you can send in cash or check (made out to Teen Missions). Make sure you specify that it is for ‘Emily Brumbelow’s Car Fund’, so that it will be applied correctly. Thank you!

As for this summer, all of us here are hoping, praying, and planning to be able to go overseas on teams. Please be praying for us and with us—that the virus would end, that countries would open up again, and that it would be safe to travel. Lord willing I will be traveling to Europe on a team. That could change of course, but I will keep you updated as I know more. 


The ministry of Teen Missions worldwide continues to thrive and we praise Jesus for that! I wanted to include some stories and updates from our different bases. If you would like to read more updates or testimonies please go to, there are many more there! I pray they will bring you encouragement. 

From our India Base coordinator, Raj Kumar: 

“We send greetings to everyone in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Indian staff and students are wishing you all a very happy New Year. We have been blessed with the opportunity to do Christmas ministry. We distributed blankets to the needy people and shared the Gospel. We have been able to distribute blankets in three separate communities. Students have returned from the holidays and have resumed the BMW classes. We have scheduled the 5th term exams to be held on the 25th of January. Please pray for the students as they take their exams. We would like to thank you very much for your fervent prayers.” 

From our Malawi Base coordinator, Seth Phippen: 

Here is a short report from Greyn, a bicycle rider on the Wellman Sunday School Circuit in Chipoka. 

“These are kids at one of our locations called Msauka village. Many of them are coming from Muslim families. Please help us by praying for these kids, that they will grow in their knowledge of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.” Greyn Boma 

Please pray for these kids and their families. We have been able to witness the work of God as the kids come to Sunday school and then tell their parents about the Lord. We are praising the Lord that we have been able to see His hand in the kids’ lives.”

I’m so thankful to work in this ministry, and for all of the encouragement I hear from the bases around the world. God is so good to us. 


My support is going well, and I’m so thankful for each of you who make sacrifices to support me. I’m still looking for more full-time supporters, so if you or anyone you know would be interested in supporting me, let me know! They can reach out to me at [email protected] with any questions. 

You can donate online at
or online to my church at Mailing in cash or checks made out to Teen Missions International (in the memo line put Emily Brumbelow), works as well! 

Thank you all for taking the time to read this update. Know that I pray for you all and think about you often. I pray the Lord’s blessing over you all in this new year of 2021.

Blessings & lots of love,


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