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Emily Brumbelow (Spring 2022)

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters,

Hello to you all!

How in the world is it already May? This year seems to be flying by! Here’s an update for you guys on all that’s been happening lately.

Life Update:

This update is a hard one for me to write. To be honest, I’ve been dreading it. For the last two years, my brother Caleb battled an aggressive cancer that originated in his colon. He went through many treatments, in addition to rounds of chemo and radiation. However, in August 2021 he decided to stop all treatments and in October 2021 he entered hospice care. His battle with cancer was something I did not share publicly out of respect for his wishes. However, many of you did know and prayed for him and for my family.

Unfortunately, on March 5th, 2022, he lost his battle with cancer. He passed away at home at 5:58 AM in the arms of my brother Josh. In the days previous to this, many friends and family came to see Caleb and my parents, as he had lost consciousness and hospice did not think he would live much longer. I was sad to not be there with him in person, but he and I had said our goodbyes when I was home in December. We both knew he would pass soon. Losing Caleb has been the hardest thing I have ever gone through, and my family and I are still hurting very much.

Caleb’s wishes were for his body to be cremated and for no funeral or memorial service. We respected those wishes. I drove home on March 7th to be with my family and to make decisions about when to spread his ashes. He wanted his ashes to be spread in the Sequoia National Forest and Kings Canyon. After talking and doing some research, my brother Josh, his wife, Ashley, and I all traveled together to California. We left on Tuesday, March 8th, and stayed until Sunday, March 13th. It was a good trip, but a hard one. On Thursday, March 10th, we made the long drive from Santa Monica to the Sequoias. We spent most of the day there, and laid Caleb to rest and said our goodbyes. It was so hard. But, this trip is a memory I will keep with me forever. I grew so much closer to Josh and Ashley, something I’m very thankful for. Never take your siblings for granted because you might not always have them. Give them hugs and tell them how much you love them. If you have a broken relationship, mend it. It’s never too late. After returning from California, I drove back to Florida and returned to work. I’m so thankful for my work and church family here in Florida. They surrounded me with so much love and prayer. Please continue to pray for me and my family. It’s been two months, and nothing is the same as it was. We miss Caleb so much. Thank you all for your love, prayers, and comfort during this time. It has been a blessing. Work/Teen Missions Happenings: Since my last update, there have been a lot of changes to update you all on. First off, I have taken on a new position here at Teen Missions. I still work in the Finance Department, and still have all those same responsibilities. However, I have also taken on the position of Coordinator for our Bible school. Back in January I was only temporarily covering the position while the previous Coordinator was overseas. During that time though I was asked by TMI’s President if I would be willing to take over the position officially. At first I was quick to think ‘no!’, not only because of my already busy schedule but I also didn’t know if I was equipped enough to handle all that the job entailed. After praying about it and thinking it over, I felt the Lord give me peace about taking on the position. I knew that He would fully equip me to handle this position and its responsibilities. To be completely transparent with you all, it’s been pretty stressful. It’s taken a little time to find a good rhythm in managing my time and juggling the two different jobs. I’m thankful for others that I work with who have helped me in many different ways. I’m also very thankful for the five students! They have been a blessing to me and have made my job pretty easy. I’ve been enjoying this season! Another change is within the leadership of Teen Missions. The previous President/Director of TMI made the decision to resign from his position in early March. Currently we have an interim President who is doing a wonderful job while a search committee is looking for a permanent replacement to fill the role. So, even though things have been changing around quite a bit, things have been running very well. The Lord has been very good to us. Please be praying for me as I continue on in my different work departments and responsibilities—that I would have good time management, peace, and encouragement. Please pray for the ministry of Teen Missions during this time of transition, that through it all, God would be glorified and His name proclaimed. On May 7th we had our annual Mud Run! Participants from all over come to run the muddy course with its different obstacles. They can either do the 2K or 5K run. All of the proceeds from this go to help our overseas bases and ministries. I helped with registrations for the day and it was fun to see all the runners come in and greet them. The day was a smashing success and we had such a fun time with around 430 participants. Other Tidbits: When I haven’t been busy at work or with work related projects I’ve enjoyed spending time with my friends and church family here. Something a group of my friends have started is a weekly ‘Taco Tuesday’! It’s a highlight of the week for sure. I’ve also enjoyed getting the opportunity to help out at church with the tech team and getting to know those folks more. I’ll be including some fun pictures from life lately for you all to see. This Upcoming Summer: Teen Missions’ summer program is fast approaching and I couldn’t be more excited! The team members arrive June 11th for their time of training. In the past few months there’s been a few switches. As of now, I will be leading a group of teens to Uganda! I’ve never been to Uganda before, and I’m looking forward to being back in Africa for the first time in four years. As of now I have three fellow leaders and 20 teen team members. I’m looking forward to them all arriving and meeting them. Our team plans to help at one of the three bases Teen Missions has in Uganda. We will help to continue building a security wall around the property. We’ll also have the opportunity to evangelize in the surrounding areas. Please pray for our upcoming summer ministry, that COVID and travel restrictions would not be an issue, and that we would have a safe and fruitful summer! Please also pray for the ongoing ministry in Uganda. Teen Missions has three bases, two Bible schools, two national Boot Camps for Ugandan teenagers, two Rescue Units for children in need, six Sunday school programs running in remote villages, and one Matron’s Unit for exploited women in need. I encourage you all to go online and read about the ministry of TMI in Uganda! What About After the Summer? Once I return from Uganda and finish up the summer program, I will have much of August off. I’m looking for churches to visit and share with about my ministry and Teen Missions. If you or your church would be interested in having me, let me know! I would love to share. I will also spend some much needed time with my family in Georgia. In September I’ll return to work and the normal swings of life here in Florida. The Bible school will begin a new term of classes and we plan to have a few new students entering. Finances: As I shared in my last update, my monthly support has dropped a bit in the last couple of months. I am looking for more monthly supporters to partner with me financially. Thank you so much for those who already support me whether it be financially or prayerfully. You are a blessing to me! If you are interested in joining my support team, please let me know. You can give online at: or you can mail in a check made out to Teen Missions with the coupon attached to this newsletter. If you have any other questions about my finances or support, please reach out: [email protected] What God Has Been Teaching Me: In this season of grieving, God has been my constant Comforter. He has been giving me strength to take on each new day, even when it seems too hard. The day that Caleb died, God kept bringing the song, ‘Goodness of God’ to my remembrance. It is a beautiful reminder of God’s goodness. It’s one of His attributes. It’s who He is. His goodness and His mercy follow after us, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6. Even in the midst of unbearable pain, God is there. His steadfast love never ceases. “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3:21-26. Though these are things I already knew through this time God has been teaching me more and more and growing me in my trust of Him and His perfect will. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. May this encourage you in whatever valley you may be facing. God is good. He is worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. Many blessings and much love to you all,
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