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Emma Reynolds Newsletter (Fall 2021)

Emma Reynolds Newsletter (Fall 2021)

Hello Prayer Partners and Supporters,

I hope your fall is going well! Thank you for all of your prayers and support. 

What a fun and Spirit-filled Summer!

I was so blessed to lead the preteen Iowa team this past summer. I’ll be honest, this team didn’t seem like the most exciting thing at first. However, God seriously worked in and through the team. The team was able to get a lot of landscaping done at the Christian camp we served at. They also moved sand for a beach volleyball court. I spent most of my time cooking for the team. I enjoyed taking care of them in this practical way! Even more, I loved being able to speak into the team members’ lives, and nudge them towards Jesus. We had two kids on our team who gave their lives to Christ. This makes the whole summer worth it! I got to see so much growth in these kids’ lives. Each one still holds a special place in my heart. 

Photography & Videography Workshop

Before the summer program even started, Teen Missions held a workshop to train team members to take photos and videos of their mission trips. This was so much fun, and rewarding! This pushed me into a new experience of teaching several classes, and running a workshop. Looking through team members’ SD cards, I think it did help us get higher quality shots of each team. I am so grateful I was able to pour into these teens, and get some awesome shots to use for our social media! 

Boot Camp

As always, Boot Camp pushes and stretches. This was my first time as a Head Leader on a team. It was a difficult balancing act between running the Video Department and my team. When I was working on video projects, I was always wondering how my team was doing. When I was with my team, I was wondering how the video crew was doing. However, God is faithful, and everything that needed to be done got done. Shout out to our awesome video crew and the three other leaders who were amazing! I was so blessed with three godly leaders who served their hearts out for these kids. 

Teaching & Honduras & Relentless Youth Retreat

We have so many exciting things happening in the next few months! To start, the Bible school students just arrived back here in Florida. I have been asked to teach their Speech Class. I am so excited to teach a class! Bible School was such a blessing to me, and I am so excited to pour into their lives, and serve them in this way.

Teen Missions is hosting our first ever youth retreat! We are inviting youth groups to come to our property January 14th-16th, for a weekend of worship, classes, and fun! The theme is “Salt & Light”. I am helping coordinate the retreat. I will be doing promotions, and a lot of design work for the conference.

We are planning a film trip to Honduras! Right now, the plan is for me to fly to Honduras right after Christmas, and film their bases and Boot Camps. I love overseas Boot Camps. I can’t wait to help tell the story of what God is doing in Honduras!

Please be praying for me as all of these things are coinciding with each other. I am excited for all these opportunities, but there is a lot that needs to get done! 

Praise items:

A fruitful summer of ministry

God’s faithfulness these past few months

An incredible team of people to work with, and lead with over the summer 

Prayer requests:

Please pray that I will continue to grow spiritually and seek God first.

Please pray that I would have creativity in the Video Department. 

Please pray for the promotion for summer 2022.

Please pray that I would have faithfulness and dedication to the ministry God is giving me.

Thank you!

I just want to say a HUGE thank you for all of your prayers and support. I am so grateful and blessed by you guys. Thank you! 

In Christ,

Emma Reynolds

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