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Emma Reynolds Newsletter (Fall 2022)

Emma Reynolds Newsletter (Fall 2022)

Hello Friends and Family, 

It feels like so much has happened since my last newsletter. I hope that you are doing well this fall and that the Lord has been working in and through you. 

What a Summer! 

Looking back on the summer brings a smile to my face. I was blessed to lead the South Africa team and it was simply a great team! They were fun, sassy and grew so much. I had 12 team members and three leaders that I worked with and cooked for. The leadership team was awesome this year. I was blessed to serve alongside some great people. 

My team was able to do a lot of open-air evangelism. It was amazing to see the team sharing the Gospel. My team also got a lot of work projects completed for the Teen Missions in South Africa base. They painted dorms, made bunk beds and dug a latrine. All in all, it was an amazing summer of serving the Lord and discipling teens. 

Boot Camp 

This was our second year running our Photography Workshop. The goal is to equip teens from each team to take higher quality pictures and videos of their trip. I enjoyed teaching the classes and watching the teens learn about their cameras and skills. I also just enjoy working with teenagers, making it a rewarding few days before Boot Camp. 

Before my team rolled out to South Africa, we of course did our missionary training called Boot Camp. As usual, I was busy as a staff member, recording and editing videos. The Lord sustained and helped me to be able to get it all done. I had a rockstar leadership team that really stepped up and took care of the team while I was working in the Video Department. 

Video Department 

The office work is well underway again! I started training a new student (they just keep coming, praise the Lord). I am excited for all that is possible this coming year. Teen Missions is looking into starting in some new areas of content creation that I am super pumped about. Right now I am focusing on our marketing strategy for summer of 2023. That includes some graphics as well as themes and videos. 

My team has been working hard on editing videos from the summer. It’s a blessing to hear from so many teens about how God worked through them and in them. 

Samaritan’s Purse and Western Florida 

Teen Missions approached me and asked me to go as a leader with our Bible school students to Kentucky to volunteer with Samaritan’s Purse. I had no idea the flooding up there had been so devastating. We worked hard mucking out homes and tearing out drywall. The team enjoyed the colors and temperatures of fall! Talking to the homeowners and praying with them were highlights of the trip. Please pray for the families who were so impacted by the terrible flooding. 

Two days after I got back from Kentucky, I headed out to Calvary Chapel Cape Coral. A team from my church was sent there to help muck out homes after Hurricane Ian. It was a blessing to serve and help these people. 

Life in General

Life has been flying by. I was blessed to go home to Minnesota and enjoy some well-earned family time. My boyfriend, Joel, also flew up to meet my family. We had a great time hiking, chatting and playing games. Teen Missions also held a staff retreat. It was a wonderful time of hanging out with my Teen Missions family and discussing how to best grow the ministry. I’ve been keeping pretty busy with my church, work and friends. The Lord has been so faithful to me, I can’t even begin to express how blessed I feel. 

THANK YOU so much for your prayers and support. None of this would be possible without people like you. I am incredibly grateful for all you do. Thank you for the part that you have in the ministry! 

In Christ, 

Emma Reynolds 

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