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Emma Reynolds Newsletter (Winter 2021)

Hello Everyone! 

I hope you all have had a wonderful start to 2021.

My new position at Teen Missions! 

I’m very excited to tell you guys about a new responsibility I just started at Teen Missions. I am now the new Community Facilitator for Teen Missions Bible school. Basically, I’m responsible for planning student events, and helping them grow spiritually as a group. I’m pretty excited to disciple the students, and just have a blast hanging out! This is just a small job, I’m still working full-time in the Video Department. 

God Breathed 

Teen Missions Video Department has started doing weekly devotionals, called “God Breathed”. Check them out on Teen Missions Instagram. Every week a staff or student speaks on a different topic, geared towards teens. We’ve also been putting out a lot of different videos and social media postings. I’m grateful for how the Lord has been working through me and my team! 

Renovations Happening 

So, I repainted my office! It’s nice to get the department looking fresh and clean. I’m grateful I was able to pick my own colors. I’m planning to paint a verse on my wall. I haven’t picked which verse yet; text or email any suggestions you might have! 

As always I am so thankful for all of you prayer partners, supporters, and friends! You guys help make it all possible! Thank you so much for the part you have in this ministry!

Alaina Came to Visit!

In the month of January I  was very blessed to have my sister, Alaina, come and visit me. It was a huge blessing to spend some time showing her Teen Missions and part of Florida! While she was here, we took a mini road trip to the Everglades and the Keys. We had an amazing time together. I’m so grateful for how I have been blessed with my amazing family! 


Teen Missions is pushing forward with 2021 teams! This year I’ve been asked to lead the Tanzania Foot-Washing team. The team will do basic first aid, wash feet, and give kiddos a new pair of shoes. I’m so excited to impact people there, and also my team members. Plus, I’m looking forward to filming the team’s ministry! 

1 Year

Whew, this past year went so fast (and at the same time so slow, too!) I can hardly believe that I have been back in the states for a whole year. While 2020 was a hard year, God taught me so many valuable lessons through it. He also showed me His incredible providence, as everything I needed, He supplied.  Adjusting back to living in America wasn’t a simple thing for me, but God’s faithfulness brought me through. I am so excited to see what He is going to do this year. I miss Africa everyday (especially Malawi), but I know that God is working through me here in Florida. I am beyond grateful that He chooses to use, and work through me! 

Praise items: 

That even during these crazy times, God is faithful and good 

God’s provision in the year of 2020 and in this next year coming up 

An incredible team of people to work with 

Prayer requests:

Please pray that I would continue to grow spiritually and seek God first.

Please pray that I would have creativity in the Video Department. 

Please pray for the summer of 2021, that all would go smoothly and lots of kids would sign up.

Please pray that I would have faithfulness and dedication to the ministry God is giving me. 


In Christ, 

Emma Reynolds

Go Check out our new videos at Teen Mission’s Facebook/ Instagram

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