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Emma Reynolds Newsletter (Winter 2022)

Hello Friends and Family, 

I hope you have had a joyful start to the new year! Here’s to another year growing in the knowledge and grace of Christ.

My Trip to Honduras 

In December I was blessed to go home and see family over Christmas. I left directly from Minnesota to go to Honduras. God was so faithful, getting me  through a blizzard so I wouldn’t miss my flight to Honduras from Orlando.  

Directly after Christmas I flew to Honduras with Susan Smouse (a gifted photographer and volunteer who was my travel buddy!). We traveled to Honduras to photograph and video the two Boot Camps Teen Missions is running in the country. It was such a blessing to meet and serve alongside our staff in Honduras! It was incredible to watch these Honduran teens grow spiritually and be equipped to serve Christ.

We spent about a week and a half in Santa Cruz, Honduras. This Boot Camp was the larger of the two. About 60 teens attended Boot Camp and were sent out on teams to do evangelism and construction projects. The base is located  in the mountains which makes for beautiful views. 

We took a 12-hour trip to our second base that is on the eastern side of Honduras in the area of La Mosquitia. This was a small Boot Camp of 17 teens. But wow, they were a fun and passionate group! The area of Las Mosquitia is very remote. The majority of people travel by boat. As we traveled deeper into Las Mosquitia, eventually the road stopped at a river. From that point on people simply traveled by the rivers. The Mosquito people are largely unreached. Many of them live way far out into the rivers, some as far as 40 hours by motor boat into the jungle. Out there, there aren’t Christians. There aren’t churches. Just a large population of people who don’t know Christ, and who have a slim chance of hearing about Him. 

God really worked in my heart while I was in Honduras. Being in such a dark place reminded me of some pretty serious truths. It reminded me of the desperate need the world has for the Gospel. It gave me a renewed passion for the lost, and the need to share the hope I’ve found in Christ. 

We not only got to film Boot Camp, but also the Sunday school ministry that is being run in Honduras. Teen Missions staff travel by boat into remote villages to run children’s programs. It was so amazing to watch these kids hear about Christ, and to be loved so well by our staff. Traveling out on the boats was probably Susan and my favorite part of the trip. 

Overall, our time in Honduras was amazing. We were blessed to get a lot of interviews, and film and photograph a lot of the ministry going on there. God’s sovereign hand guided us and protected us at each step. I’m so thankful for His faithfulness and goodness. 


Marketing & Promotions

After I came back from Honduras in mid-January, I jumped right into promotions. Right now is the prime time for getting the word out about our summer teams. I’m excited to be handling a lot of our online marketing. You can pray for me—online marketing is a new area of work for me, so I have a lot to learn! 

My coworker Maddi and I had the opportunity to speak at a Christian school and share about Teen Missions. It was so fun to share about how teens can be involved in the Great Commission. The kids were a solid group that really seemed interested in serving Jesus. 

Looking ahead, I’ll be busy editing videos, doing marketing, and doing some discipling and training of the crew in the Video Department. I’ve also been helping out with some web design and graphic design.

Overall the past few months have been blessed and busy. I’m so grateful for all of your prayers and support. They have been a huge blessing and help these past few months of craziness! 

Praise Items:

- A fruitful time in Honduras

- God’s faithfulness these past few months

- Many opportunities to share the Gospel the past few months

Prayer Requests:

- Please pray that I will continue to grow spiritually and seek God first.

- Please pray that I would have creativity in the Video Department. 

- Please pray for promotions for summer 2022.

- Please pray that I would have faithfulness and dedication to the ministry God is giving me. 

In Christ 


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