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Fifa and Jessica Newsletter (Winter 2023)

Dear Family and Friends,

We are so excited to share with you all that’s been happening this past year! Firstly, Phoebe is growing so big! She is running, jumping, climbing and talking a whole bunch! She’s saying four word sentences now and is copying everything everyone is saying. It makes us so proud of her!

Secondly, the ministry is amazing! At the beginning of the year we were at the north base in Mahajanga with Fifa serving as the encourager to the circuit riders (bush Sunday School Mission staff) and also the overseer of the work and the BMW program while Jessica was in charge of the reports. While we were holding a seminar for the circuit riders at the south base in Vangaindrano, the coordinator and his wife decided to put us in charge of the 2022 Boot Camp. We were blown away by this responsibility and we immediately got into action preparing for it. It amazed us to see how God used us to put together this program where a bunch of teens got to train to know Jesus, serve Him and to share Him with others! All of the 118 teens there accepted Christ as their Savior and later, shared Him with over 1,170 people who also accepted Christ into their hearts! Then in Vangaindrano, all 164 teens accepted Christ into their hearts and then through them more than 1,803 put Jesus as Lord of their lives! Praise God!

Thirdly, after Boot Camp the coordinator and his wife and family decided to leave Madagascar and go to the U.S. for six months. They and the Florida headquarters decided to put us in their place as coordinators of Madagascar while they are away. Even though they are making all of the decisions, we are standing as their voice here. It is very humbling and eye opening to be in such a position and we are thankful for this opportunity. While being the authority has its blessings, there were also some difficult things that we had to do and we are so thankful for your prayers for us! It seems God has been using us to weed the crop. It is not an easy task, and we covet your prayers!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support of us throughout this year in our ministry with Teen Missions! We are super thankful and continually encouraged! Please know that we are also praying for you and love to talk or Facetime whenever you’d like! We’re just a call away! May God continue to bless you in everything!

Here is a testimony from one of our team members:

Hello, my name is Safidy. 

I am a Bible school student here at Teen Missions Madagascar. I feel like I’ve changed a lot since joining this program. 

Before I came, I was proud and lazy. I didn’t like to work.  I was also shy with people. Now I feel that God has changed me to be more humble. I am becoming more diligent at my work

I praise God because I feel more love and compassion for others and I am learning that I love to pray. I am thankful for God and Teen Missions. This is how my life has changed since I accepted Christ at the last Boot Camp. 

Thank you!

Love in Christ,

Fifaliana, Jessica and Phoebe

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