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Fifa & Jessica Newsletter (Fall 2022)

Fifa & Jessica Newsletter (Fall 2022)

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Who’s Name we serve here in Madagascar! Our lives have been pretty busy as of late and our family keeps growing! (Phoebe is getting so big! And we got a dog!)

In May we were able to go to the south Teen Missions base in Vangaindrano. It was a lovely time catching up with all of our fellow servants in the Lord and training the Sunday School Mission circuit riders. 

We also found out that we would be in charge of the national 2022 Boot Camp in Mahajanga. After arriving back from Vangaindrano, we started the ball of Boot Camp rolling down the very steep hill of preparations! Fifa was making sure all of the work was in order and going out and buying everything we’d need during Boot Camp; while Jessica was in charge of paperwork, scheduling and the registration of the teens. We worked hand-in-hand with the country coordinators to make sure this Boot Camp would run smoothly. We thank you for your support as it helped quite a few teens go on teams. 

We had a total of 120 teens from all over Madagascar join us for the two weeks of Boot Camp where they learned hands-on skills from puppets to laying cement to personal evangelism. Then they left for two weeks to put all of their training into action and learn some good Bible studies from their leaders. There was a total of six teams: NosyBe (we got to lead this team!); Maevantanana; Tamatave; Antananarivo (the capital); Kokabo; and Mahajanga. The teens did door-to-door, open-air evangelization with puppets, dramas and choreography, and played with many kids. Through them, over 700 people came to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior! Glory be to God! 

We praise the Lord for using us to make this a successful Boot Camp by equipping the next generations to know Jesus and share Him with others! That’s our life mission!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support! May God bless you more abundantly in all things for your faithfulness! 

Prayer requests:

  • For Fifa and I to rely wholly on God and grow closer together.
  • For our health and safety
  • For the study of those we’re supporting to go to school
  • For God to continue to use us in great ways! 

Fifa & Jessica

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