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Fifa & Jessica Rakotovao Newsletter (Spring 2024)

Dear Friends and Family,

These past few months have been great. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love and prayers that support us every step of the way in our journey.

God has been teaching us to be quieter and not to be too talkative so that we can listen more and also that we can learn more and follow instructions better. To do things the right way and not the better way. To be obedient is key to being a great leader. We have lots of things in our minds and we are so quick to give our ideas, opinions and knowledge, but now we have learned to ask, “How do you want this to be done?” God has helped us to see the value of the ministry of the circuit riders and how precious and valuable the opportunity that those guys have to have a touch inside of the villages in the bush. We know that they have a very important job and they are doing a good job at it. We must help them, encourage them and guide them in the way they should go.

Marianah’s arrival into this world couldn’t have been any smoother. Jessica had nine hours of induced labor, three pushes and some stitches after. There were no complications, praise God. Marianah is the most peaceful baby that we have ever known; so calm and chill. We feel so blessed with our two babies. God uses our children to grow us in different ways.

For our family, I, Fifa, have stepped up. I try my best to help my wife around the house or to take care of the baby, despite it being a “girly” job. I’m also trying to show more love to Phoebe so she doesn’t feel jealous of Marianah. Every time I see her I try to show her love and attention and teach her to love Marianah. Phoebe loves Marianah very much and that is very important. We don’t want her to feel left out or forgotten. I’m so proud of her and how fast she has grown in wisdom and understanding. Surprisingly, she’s turning three years old already. We are thankful that God keeps her safe because we can’t be with her all day long. She plays with the other kids at the base and always comes home healthy.

I taught the analysis of the book of Acts in the Bible School. My class was very exciting because it allowed everyone to ask questions, which is exactly what I want them to do when I teach. The students like to study and research and when they ask questions then we learn together and that’s what I like.

My dad has been suffering from some things like a pinched nerve in his back and arthritis. However, he cannot get surgery because he is too old for the anesthesia. My feelings about my dad, I know that he is relying so much on me since he is so old and I’m his son, so I’m happy to do that. This sickness is something that God is using to prepare his mind for life after death. Please keep him in your prayers.

For me, Jessica, I’m thankful for a quick delivery and healing. Marianah Grace is such a joy, and very different from Phoebe, who has always been loud and speaks her mind. God has been teaching me to serve my family. In my heart, I want to be a part of everything in the ministry here, but I’m seeing how my best and most important ministry is to my husband and children. It has been a joy and also very difficult as it is a very different kind of ministry and we are both learning how to manage. It is also so good to be a part of Teen Missions in the background so I can see all of the stories and numbers of people that Christ is touching here in Madagascar. These next few months, I will be teaching the BMW class on Spiritual Life, and we will be preparing for the upcoming Boot Camp which will be starting in August. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue on our journey here in Madagascar.

Thank you again for your prayers and support. God bless you all!

Fifa, Jessica and Family

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