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Joel & Emma Tauscher Newsletter (Winter 2024)

Happy New Year! 

As I look back over the past year, it’s amazing the different seasons God has brought us through. Looking into 2024, it’s easy to wonder what lessons, adventures, and plans God has ahead for us. I’m hoping those plans include some great coffee and outdoor adventures. 

I can’t believe it’s time to write a new newsletter. I told someone I was going to include a picture of me holding my new beloved air fryer we got for Christmas to take up space! Jokes aside, Joel and I had a wonderful Christmas in Florida and New Year’s in Minnesota. We are so blessed by our friends and family that make holidays so fun! 

Ministry Update

Joel has been putting a lot of hours into fixing small engines in blowers, chainsaws, and other small equipment. They’ve also spent a lot of time trimming up some trees. He has been working hard on updating a current building to be a game room for the Legacy Lakes Christian Conference and Retreat Center, that will be used for the summer teams as well as churches who rent the property. 

I have been continuing to work in the Marketing and Productions 

Department. However, a more recent project that landed in my lap is assisting in evaluating and rewriting our Leader Training Seminar. This course of classes is what prepares individuals to lead teams. It’s a project I can only do through the power of the Holy Spirit. God has put it on my heart to help update our curriculum. I have also been working on Google Ads and the podcast Wholly Devoted. In Marketing and Productions, we’ve also gained a new student who is being trained. I am very blessed to be working with an incredible team of staff, interns, and students. 

Family Update

Joel and I have now been married about ten months. It has been such a wonderful and rewarding time. I am so grateful to God for bringing Joel and I together on our journeys. Outside of work, Joel has been trying to wrap up the last threads of his business and selling equipment. I have been busy with usual things that really aren’t that interesting. I am so thankful for the beautiful life God has given us. 

Do you want to know how to pray for us with the least amount of words possible? 

We know everyone is busy and over saturated with words, videos, and noise. We’ve started using a program called PrayVine. Basically we can very easily, and with very few words, communicate prayer requests directly to your email! Then you can respond and tell us that you’re praying for us! I can’t even begin to tell you how encouraging it is to know that people pray for us. If you are interested, get in contact with either of us, and we’ll get your email on the list! 

We are so thankful for your prayers and partnership. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing at Teen Missions. 

Prayer Requests: 

Please pray for us that we would be focused on things above, not earthly things

Please pray for us as we look for opportunities to serve people locally 

Please pray for me as I assist with the rewrite of our Leader Seminar program

Please pray for us to be filled with the Holy Spirit as we follow Christ 


Joel and Emma Tauscher 

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