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Judah & Elena Kelly Newsletter (Spring 2024)

Greetings from the Kellys.

We got back from Australia at the end of January and it’s been go go go since then. In the middle of February, I (Elena) traveled to New York for a small sightseeing/support-raising trip. I was born in New York, and it was fun being back again. My family toured the city and met up with a few different old family friends, we then drove back to Ohio together.

I then spent two days with my family there. It was a nice time together and we got to spend time with my grandfather whose health at that time was rapidly declining. After that trip, Judah got pretty sick with Strep Throat and a few other health things. His fever was 103 at one point! As you can imagine, it was a bit stressful. Towards the middle of March, we found out that my grandfather had gone to be with the Lord. He died peacefully in his home with his family. My grandfather, Pete, had been sick for a long time, and we are happy to know that he’s no longer in pain and is with his Father.

After that news came in, we quickly bought plane tickets to go back to attend his funeral. It was a bittersweet time being back. It was nice being with family, but difficult to say goodbye. I was glad to see my grandfather get a proper military burial ceremony, as he had served in the Air Force. They had an American flag folded up and it was presented to my grandmother. In addition, a trumpet playing “Taps”.

After that, we had a “spring break” of sorts for a week with it kicking off with us going to a support-raising seminar. There we learned how to raise financial support, practiced scenarios, and learned the biblical basis for why we do. We met some cool people there in all kinds of missionary organizations, all over the world. Since that conference, we’ve been able to put those skills to use and see God work.

In our last newsletter, we mentioned how we had been having car trouble and were praying for a new car. A few months ago we had a couple reach out saying that they had a car they were wanting to donate to someone. They gave us the car, which has been a huge blessing. Thank you to them, and to all of you for praying for us.

Recently we also started preparing for our summer mission trip, this time to Tanzania. We are so excited to be head leading this team of 17 teens together and to be going back to Africa. We both have a heart for Africa and for these trips so we know it’ll be great. We recently were able to purchase new boots for the summer because of some donations. We both had some old boots and they needed to be replaced. That was also such a huge blessing, and we are so grateful.

We’re also excited to tell you all about our trip when we get back, I want to include lots of pictures in our Fall newsletter and all of the cool things I know God will do this summer. So keep praying for us, it means a lot

Thank you so much for your prayers and support, I know that God is using us here and we are so glad to be able to work with the Lord.

Now ways you can pray for us in this upcoming season…
Pray for our mission trip that will be starting in mid-June. Pray for energy and wisdom, and for God’s hand to be on our team and ministry.
Pray that God will continue to bring in the monthly supporters we need. We are below the budgeted amount we need coming in monthly, but we trust God will provide.
Pray for my family who will be moving to Florida at the end of May and joining staff.
Pray for our marriage that we’d be able to grow closer to the Lord
Lastly please be praying for my grandmother, losing her husband has been hard on her physically and mentally. Pray for peace and comfort as well as strength for her.

The Kellys

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