Paul & Beth Kostner Newsletter (Fall 2024)
Dear Friends, Family and Former Team Members,
Where do I begin? How do I describe our summer experience so that you can really see how good it was? How do I convey just how much this team was a blessing, not only to us as leaders, but to the Teen Missions in India ministry and the people we came in contact with. Let me begin..
Our summer officially began the evening of June 17 when our team members started arriving (the leaders had actually arrived a week earlier for Leader’s Seminar). We started with 19 team members and two other leaders. There were 12 former team members on our team.
I think my biggest challenge during Boot Camp was our India visas. For unknown reasons, five of the e-visas were denied. One was later given, but two of our girls, one of the boys and one leader were denied a second time. One of the boys decided to switch to another team before Boot Camp. Our only other option was to begin the process of applying by mail. Neither of the girls came through in time, so they switched to another team (thankfully space was available!). The leader’s visa was issued the day before Commissioning. PTL! It was heartbreaking to lose the two girls, but we all learned (once again) that God is in control and His ways (and timing) are always for our good.
We flew from Orlando to London and then onto Delhi and Vijayawada. With a weather delay in Orlando, our flight into London was late and it was a tight race to get through security and onto our flight to Delhi. They were about ready to “shut the doors” when we breathlessly arrived at the gate (without Paul, who had the passports, and a team member who were “stuck” at security). Two of the team members’ visas would have expired if we were not allowed on the flight. There were positives in the “delays” in that we were able to share with a Muslim at the airport in Orlando and while the team was having their personal devotions in the Delhi Airport, the boys started sharing with a man who stopped to ask about what they were doing.
When we arrived in Delhi, all BUT six of our bags (five with equipment and one personal bag) did NOT arrive with us. Think NO sleeping equipment or clothes (except those who had one extra set of clothes in their carryon). Thankfully, all but two bags arrived within a couple of days and it was a week before the last two bags arrived. The team members were troopers and we never heard anyone complain (but there were lots of laughs about it). The staff at the Teen Missions base did everything possible to help meet our needs.
Our work project was multi-faceted. We dug and poured the footers and laid the foundation for a bathroom, poured squares which were used for a parking pad, helped in the garden and painted a church among other projects. We were blessed to share in churches every Sunday. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays, we did prayer walks through the surrounding villages, handing out tracts, talking with the villagers, playing with the children and singing songs. We were able to deal with the language barrier as the Teen Missions Bible school students went along with us and were able to interpret. The team really enjoyed this aspect of the ministry. We spent one day at a school about an hour away where we did a presentation to over 300 students from grade school all the way up through high school. The team thoroughly enjoyed the interaction with the students.
It is hard for me to describe this team. They were so teachable, had servants hearts, fostered unity among the team and had a strong desire to grow spiritually. They were very interactive in their classes and with the students and staff at the Teen Missions in India base. They were engaging with one another and with the leadership. Our two back-up leaders, London and Bethany, were amazing leaders. They went out of their way to serve—whether teaching, interacting with the team members, helping at the worksite or cooking. It seemed that they always brought their “A Game” to everything they did. It was such a blessing to serve with them. They made our roles so much easier!
Once again, when Debrief was over and we had to say our “good-byes”, it was so very hard. I am thankful that we had such a great group of kids which made it so much harder to leave. Please pray that they will continue in their walks with Christ, be consistent in their devotions and share the love of Jesus with those who they come in contact with.
Paul and I just returned from our 2 1/2 week deputation trip out west. We had not been out there since our kids were small. Danae had flown home for a wedding, so we all three flew back to Phoenix together. The next morning, we started our trip with a visit to Sheridan, Wyoming, after driving through Arizona, Utah and Colorado. We spent a couple of days with a former team member (and her family) from our 1988 India team and we even visited the “Crazy Woman Canyon”!
After leaving Wyoming, we traveled through parts of Utah and Nevada (seemed like forever...) to northern California. We visited a former team member from our 1991 Kenya team—her daughter went to the Philippines with us last summer. Their family had a cabin on a lake in Soda Springs and we were able to spend a couple of relaxing days there.
Then we were off to northern California where we had lunch with a former team member and her family from our last year’s Philippines team. It was a blessing to get to meet her parents. Then we visited five more former team members (one from our Philippines team and four from this year’s India team) before heading down to southern California where we spent the night with another former team member from this year’s India team (total of five!). What a blessing to see all of our “kids” and meet their families!
Our last stop was in Phoenix where we stayed with Danae. We visited with several former staff and their families—there was a lot of reminiscing and laughter. Danae’s boss is a pilot and he took us up in his plane over the mountains outside of Phoenix—GORGEOUS. He and his wife also had us over for dinner. It was a blessing to get to know them and be able to share about our ministry.
Our kids are doing well in their “adulting”. Lindsay is staying busy with her job of facilitating adoptions. Colton is almost finished with another computer course and has one more to go. It was a joy to be able to spend some extra time with Danae. We have missed her, but know she is where God wants her to be. BJ traveled to California for several days for his job and is now on his way to Washington, DC. He is also busy doing “projects” at his home. We are still enjoying this “empty nester” phase.
We are already busy at work, finalizing where the teams are going, processing registrations, starting to secure leaders and getting 2024 “put away”. I am excited that I can see the bottom of my desk at times.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support. We love what we do and it is because of you that we can be here. We pray that you can get a glimpse of the impact YOU are making by helping us serve here.
Prayer Request: We just found out that our car AC needs replacing. We are not sure a new AC is a “need”, but Florida can be hot. In the meantime, we are praying for an early winter!
Paul & Beth

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