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Robert & Dorah Yoder Newsletter (Winter 2024)

Dear Family and Friends,

Greetings from the Yoders in the Wonderful name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We hope and trust that you are all well by His Grace. We thank God for each time and season of our lives. He is God ever present in good times and in hard times. We thank Him for He has allowed us to see a new day and has counted us among the living. Praise the Lord!

We left South Africa last year on the 17th of November 2023. We have been in the USA for a little over two months and it has been a great blessing to be able to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with family. The last time we were home for those holidays was 2011. Apart from visiting with family, God has given us an opportunity to travel and visit churches and friends from January into February. It has been a fun trip as God blessed us with six inches of snow in Kentucky and three inches in Ohio. We were able to do some sledding and have snowball fights. We have also started to homeschool the children again. Praise the Lord!

We continue to thank God for His Mercy which endures forever and His goodness that continues to follow us all the days of our lives. Since the last newsletter up to now, we have not heard from the South Africa Police Services about the robbery. We choose to trust God and believe one day it will be known and justice will be served in His time.

We thank God for the leadership of Teen Missions for allowing us to come home and for arranging for some counseling for us. We pray the Lord will perfect the healing that He has already begun in us as a family.

We also wanted to let you know that we plan to be in the USA for a longer period of time on this trip, to work and God willing, to get Dorah a green card or permanent residency. We plan to continue serving the Lord with Teen Missions at the home base here in Florida. After we are done with the green card, we are trusting God to go back to the mission field wherever the Lord opens the door within TMI and of course with permission from our leaders. Please continue to pray for us during this transition. Also as we go through counseling for the trauma of the robbery, please pray for the healing hand of the Lord to touch us as a family. 

In conclusion, we want to thank you all for your prayer and financial support that you have been rendering to us. We really pray that God will bless and keep you in all of your ways and make them straight.

Prayer Requests:

1. Good health 

2. God’s guidance in transition 

3. Protection for family

4. God’s peace and provision

5. Green Card process to go smoothly

In Christ,

Robert, Dorah, Esther, Ethan and Elisha Yoder

Is 41:10

Ps 124 

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